Things are not getting worse. We just hear about them due to technology.
Yep, and with any luck the outrage that comes from exposure will help to bring an end to such barbarism. If anything, maybe things are getting better?
by Mary 59 Replies latest jw friends
Things are not getting worse. We just hear about them due to technology.
Yep, and with any luck the outrage that comes from exposure will help to bring an end to such barbarism. If anything, maybe things are getting better?
I too am so sickened I could do some disgusting things myself. I too have had it with the human race - that is why I belive in the Death Penalty - but Death is too good for some of these pigs. Pull the troops out of Iraq - disband the United Nations - let people and countries do what they want and kill each other- let people kill each other until the Human RACE IS EXTINCT -WE NEED THE BIRD FLU PLAGUE IMMEDIATELY - to wipe out the human race -we do not deserve to survive
Unless we all get so sick of the killings we learn to live with each other.
Stillajwexelder of the very thoroughly sickened and pissed off class
Someone said things are getting better? Hmmmmmm, how does that person explain how I grew up with no locks in our houses and now we have oodles of locks, alarm system, watch dogs, etc?
I saw the show and I was thinking about similiar conditions existing in North America.
When I see stuff like that, it makes me stop and wonder if there is a God........if there is, why does He let stuff like this happen?Or, why did he create human beings with the capacity for such evil. This type of thing makes it pretty clear that 'he' is either incompetent or nonexistent.
The story of the baboon made me sick!
I have never liked baboons.
I fear them. Healthy fear. They can be viscious fighters and killers.
But so can bears, lions, walruses, dogs, mamba snakes,.....
Lets face it. Its a dangerous world.
I believe that it does not get worse or better, it just gets different.
In the 16th century most English towns had stocks and whipping posts. Drunks, fraudulent merchants, adulterers, and quarrelers could be placed in carts or backwards on asses and paraded around the streets for crowds to jeer and throw refuse at. Women accused of being scolds could be publically muzzled by and iron device called a brank or tied to a "cucking stool" and dunked in the river. Convicted criminals could have their ears cut off, their noses slit, their foreheads branded. Public hangings and beheadings were common. You could be "hanged by the neck, and being alive cut down, and your privy membes to be cut off, and your bowels to be taken out of your belly and there burned, you being alive." (English Literature 7ed M.H. Abrams et al) One more thing, I refuse to watch sensationalized shit like that. I get too many questions in my head, like: what has the trend been in the last 10 years regarding snuff movies, better? worse? same? How many crimes of this nature are happening? How often? In which part of the world? Why? Who is involved in these crimes? Who researched this? With what intent? What does Dr.Phil want us to do about it? What is his motive in showing this? What can I do? Why does he want to shock me? What is the purpose of this type of journalism? What is being done to stop this? Who in power knows about this? What are they doing? What programs are in place to stop this that I may not know about? Who is fighting this crime that may not have been reported on? etc etc etc...
Someone said things are getting better? Hmmmmmm, how does that person explain how I grew up with no locks in our houses and now we have oodles of locks, alarm system, watch dogs, etc?I tend to agree here.......I've often stopped and thought "okay, are things really getting worse or is it that we just hear about it more because of technology?" I think technology has, in fact, contributed to alot of our problems. Look at child pornography. Before the internet, a pedophile had to go "underground" to buy magazines that showed child pornography. Now they can surf the internet till their sick hearts content looking at this shit without ever having to leave their home. Either last year or the year before, this one pig in Toronto kidnapped, raped and murdered a little girl. He admitted afterwards that he had just finished watching kiddy porn on the internet and was all sexually frustrated afterwards and needed to do something about it. Would he have committed this horrific crime had the internet not been conveniently there for him? Who knows.
All I know is that I'm so sick of hearing all the horrific stuff that goes on in the world today---I find it very depressing. What will it take to change the world?
All I know is that I'm so sick of hearing all the horrific stuff that goes on in the world today---I find it very depressing.
A very good reason for not watching much of the news. I don't.
What will it take to change the world?
A singularity.
What will it take to change the world?
Thing is, it IS changing...all the time. It goes in phases, more rights followed by excess, followed by crackdown. Religion comes and goes. Information changes so that "fact" yesterday is "absurdity" today. It seems that almost every type of belief gets a shot at running things. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't.
There are a lot of things about modern life that are good, even if the perception is that life has become more vulgar or there are evils that we would not have normally been exposed to.
Women are no longer viewed as property in developed countries. Education is becoming much more accessible. Science has shown us wondrous things, most of which is very good especially in the realm of health care. We live longer, have more, and understand more than we ever have. We have many more personal freedoms.
There are still deviants and evils just like there always have been. Snuff films are nothing new; it is just that now the murders are able to be recorded and "enjoyed" <sick> in the future rather than 'enjoyed' by just a few sickos on the scene. It's disgusting and horrifying, but sadly not new behaviour.
I think, either you don't quite get what mary was asking exactly, or you are trying to say that something like that will never happen, and that life is what it is.