by Mary 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    Metaphorically of course edit: on account of missing an f word for the sake of the timid

    Some say the end is near.

    Some say we’ll see armageddon soon.

    I certainly hope we will.

    I sure could use a vacation from this

    Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of


    Here in this hopeless fcking hole we call la

    The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.

    Any fcking time. any fcking day.

    Learn to swim, I’ll see you down in arizona bay.

    Fret for your figure and

    Fret for your latte and

    Fret for your lawsuit and

    Fret for your hairpiece and

    Fret for your prozac and

    Fret for your pilot and

    Fret for your cable and

    Fret for your car.

    It’s a

    Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of


    Here in this hopeless fcking hole we call la

    The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.

    Any fucking time. any fcking day.

    Learn to swim, I’ll see you down in arizona bay.

    Some say a comet will fall from the sky.

    Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.

    Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still.

    Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits.

    Some say the end is near.

    Some say we’ll see armageddon soon.

    I certainly hope we will cuz

    I sure could use a vacation from this

    Silly shit, stupid shit...

    One great big festering neon distraction,

    I’ve a suggestion to keep you all occupied.

    Learn to swim.

    Mom’s gonna fix it all soon.

    Mom’s comin’ round to put it back the way it ought to be.

    Learn to swim.

    Fck l ron hubbard and

    Fck all his clones.

    Fck all those gun-toting

    Hip gangster wannabes.

    Learn to swim.

    Fck retro anything.

    Fck your tattoos.

    Fck all you junkies and

    Fck your short memory.

    Learn to swim.

    Fck smiley glad-hands

    With hidden agendas.

    Fck these dysfunctional,

    Insecure actresses.

    Learn to swim.

    Cuz I’m praying for rain

    And I’m praying for tidal waves

    I wanna see the ground give way.

    I wanna watch it all go down.

    Mom please flush it all away.

    I wanna watch it go right in and down.

    I wanna watch it go right in.

    Watch you flush it all away.

    Time to bring it down again.

    Don’t just call me pessimist.

    Try and read between the lines.

    I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t

    Welcome any change, my friend.

    I wanna see it all come down.

  • jeanniebeanz

    sorry if I was unclear... I know what Mary was saying. My point is that the world is constantly changing. It gets neither permanently "evil" nor will it ever get permanently "good". It fluctuates between the two extremes. We take the benefits of the advances which are helpful, and endure the painful in whatever century we find ourselves living.

    It is constantly changing, but, sadly, not all changes are for the better.


  • doogie

    i just finished reading American Psycho...

    if you've seen the movie you can probably imagine what the book is like (not for the squeamish...). Some dispicable acts are depicted in the book, but the book is sooo nuanced that a million people could read it and come away with a million different opinions (wait, i'm getting to my point...)

    humans are violent. some people (like Bateman in the book) do dispicable things. others merely view it and shake their heads in disgust...but keep watching it. i just finished reading a study for a sociology class about the apparently very human desire to view destruction. there are a bunch of possible reasons, but humans seem to be fascinated by violence, destruction and suffering especially as it relates to other humans. the fact that this subject was the main topic of Dr. Phil's (highly rated) show is proof of this. also, everyday when i get home, my girlfriend is telling me another horrible story about some lady that was raped or kidnapped or beaten or murdered that was the main topic on Oprah. heck, why do any of us know the name Natalee Holloway anyway??? sort of cursing it aloud but secretly needing (enjoying?) it on some level.

    there is clearly a market for violence and pain that the media regularly taps. it's not the media's fault...people keep buying it! and they've always bought it! public executions, whipping posts, sacrifices...or nowadays, watching the suffering (or the remainders of the suffering) from a more remote location. sometimes the suffering is at the hands of criminals or sometimes it's the criminal themselves that experience the pain. in substance, suffering is suffering; we may rationalize it, but at times, we do enjoy seeing people suffer. (i.e. i would love to see the people responsible for the videos mary mentioned suffer as much as possible. that would please me VERY much.)

    we have to face it: humans are all violent to degrees. a small percentage of people do amazingly evil, sadistic things. always have, always will. a larger percentage will eagerly watch (or eagerly watch the culprit receive his own share of sadism). maybe watching others suffer helps us feel better about our lives ("it could be worse"), so every night we watch the poor families in new orleans who lost everything or the mother who lost her daughter on vacation and suddenly we're just a bit more aware of the softness of our comfy couch. maybe the concept of misery piques our interest since it stands out from our own mundane, and honestly, not terrible day-to-day lives (at least not THAT terrible...). maybe we're just supremely aware of our own personal mortality. i don't know. whatever the reason, we do eagerly watch suffering; be it on Dr. Phil, the news, Oprah, or movies, pain and suffering is a staple of our entertainment and news programming (how many of us have willingly seen, and enjoyed, Saw 2?...).

    chances are, we say that we watch suffering on dr. phil or the news or whatever because of our extreme compassion. but i have a feeling that there is more to it than that.

  • doogie

    ok, that was definitely rambling... i'm sorry, it's been a long week.

    i'm just trying to say that we say that we are NOT sadistic and that these individuals who do these terrible, terrible things are broken and we are fundamentally better. but technically, humans are all sadistic ("the gaining of pleasure or enjoyment from causing or viewing physical or mental pain in people or animals"), just to varying degrees.

    edited to add: it's not a recent flaw in the human race, it's another layer of the uniquely human experience.

  • prophecor


    The sickness of our society. It's about time. There has always been evil, yes, but this time, it gets accelerated. The quickening. As bad as it is, it's nowhere near as bad as it's going to get, we have only just reached the entrance to the end of times.

  • rmt1

    Warning: Bleak godless post. It’s evolution. (throw tomatoes) The perpetrators have a full comprehension of previous ‘things that happen’, and they are selectively driven to distinguish themselves by one-upping what goes before. The only way for heinous crimes to not get “worse” is for people to stop being able to remember exactly what everyone here seems to know, and for everyone to be able to not watch shock TV. Which isn’t going to happen, because we’re evolutionarily programmed to pay attention to threats until they dissipate. If the journalism (thank you, Jez) successfully structures it as a threat (with all the swelling dramatic music that accompanies such programming), then they have your attention, unless somehow you as an organism don’t perceive it as a threat. The growing catalogue of possible threats creates this huge database of previous knowledge that violent offenders are evolutionarily driven to surmount. I apologize for the bleakness of this godless opinion, and you are cordially entitled to hang it all on the Mesopotamian cumulonimbus Herm’s binary-structural abjection. Legal notice: Please note that I am not saying that such a situation does not suck; of course it does. Possible solution: find a way to grow violent offenders’ corpus collosum larger (typical profile is male) so they have more full-brain empathic and emotional feedback to “twisted” rational survival drives such as this affirmation/power business as featured on the show.

  • nowisee

    before i read rmt1's post i fully expected to see:

    l) the evolutionists saying, "well we are only animals, what do you expect?"


    2)believers saying, "well it is the last days, what do you expect?"

    so which is it????

  • gumby

    I'm going to do some preaching here Mary.

    You and I and our friends here on JWD we're all taught that "from the youth up, our hearts are bad". This was a truth.

    Even the bible characters.......way back when, realised there was unusual evil in certain ones. As many have pointed out, man has had a history....way back when.........of doing things that many others in their generation could not fathom of doing.

    My thought is.......some are missing in their hearts,soul, and mind, whatever it is that make you and I and others here on JWD different in that we cannot fathom the idea of doing such things as your thread relates. Everyone varies.

    Some here could watch a video of such an act as the dr.phil show examined as curious entertainment.......others would never even think of watching such a video and wouldn't have to think twice about it. Why? Why could some here actually watch that video and others not? Why the difference in thinking since both are humans?

    Some behavior is from enviromental learning along with ones own personal perceptional abilityof what they experience. In other words,....... a gang thug in east L.A. could steal a car easier than an 80 year old faithful southern baptist piano player could.

    I think the sad and scary fact just might be that we are not REALLY built with inborn godly traits given by a creator( not that there isn't one) and might just be another life type that acts on what it learns and prefers, and that each prefers different prefrences, then these prefrences are labled by the stronger as good or bad, and these labels influence the next generation that labels things according to their preferences.

    Did I just say all that? ...Not sure

    Gumby....( of the this type of thing scares the shit out of me class )

    hugs mary

  • DanTheMan

    Extreme and bizarre cruelty is nothing new as has been brought out. If you could resurrect the Neanderthals that inhabited Europe before us homo sapiens came along, they'd have some stories to tell. Evolution has wired us for violence and cruelty, that's how we rose to the top.

    I think it'll take another 5000 years before things like these become only the rarest of rare events among humans. That is, If we make it another 5000 years, which doesn't seem likely.

  • gumby
    I think it'll take another 5000 years before things like these become only the rarest of rare events among humans. That is, If we make it another 5000 years, which doesn't seem likely.

    Dan, you and I differ greatly I'm afraid old chap. I think it will only take 4926 years. How in the freakin heck can you come up with the extra 74 years my friend? *has alzheimer dub moment*

    Seriously, I wonder about the above statement. Will man figure out 'how to govern man" by then?

    Man has the capability to do nearly all the mind can imagine, even eradicating death. You and I will miss the boat as usual and will end up being some good soil for some rich bastard's roses who's gonna live forever.


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