The problem is, who determines that, who decides the other person should not fall in love and should not care that I am only there to relieve my sexual urge.
then i would just not do anything at all. i would just stay home and watch TV. and then that way everyone can just be in their own little box, without anyone mixing juices with anyone else, save the person they bought the box with.
The idea of no one getting hurt is a fantasy, regardless of how you worship or not worship.
i got hurt once. but i was better in a couple of days...
seriously, where does this crazy notion that all un-sanctioned sex = pain, suffering and dejection - come from? that if we give into carnal desires, we will surely suffer the consequences!?
of course people get hurt. i have to wonder aloud however, at what the ratio is of people who are hurt from sex, to the number of people who just freaking enjoy it for what it is. we always hear the storys about people who are hurt by sex. and it's sad. but do we ever hear the stories about all the people in the world who are really enjoying it? or am i just reading the wrong magazines?