There was a fox who applied for the job of guarding the chicken coup.
The farmer was suspicious. "Why should I hire you? After all, you're a fox!"
"I'm a changed man," the fox replied, "I'll do you a good job and keep a close eye on your chickens."
The farmer hired the fox to guard the chicken house and retired for the night. Next morning, the farmer when out to check the chickens and found them all dead and gone and the fox picking his teeth.
"You said I could trust you, that you were changed, and that you would do a good job for me. Now you've ruined me. How could you do this to me?"
"I didn't do anything to you," said the fox, "you did it to yourself. After all, you knew what I was when you hired me."
And so it goes. When the WTBTS acts like a cult, why should any one be surprised? It looks like a cult, it walks like a cult, it talks like a cult, by every definition it's a cult.
So why is anyone surprised when it treats people like it's a cult?
NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?