YK says:
Go tell your elders of your present mindset..of your prophesies...go tell them of your involvement here..
I have. / You Know
@@@@@@@@@ for some reason i actually believe him and for those of us who have served as elders know why--
YK is considered as an outcast in his hall- as JR Brown put it so well- any male jw who holds no title is "Lacking Spirtually" something to that affect
anyone who has served as an elder recalls all those late nights with the CO discussing those male jw like YK
these are the guys you wouldn't trust with a "Mike"
in fact i think for many of us who have been around for awhile and for some who maynot, all can recall that almost every hall has eithe a Brother or Sister who is " A FEW FRIES SHORT OF A HAPPY MEAL"
EVERYONE even the little kids start to snicker the minute they see their hand go up and the poor bro on the stage with no one to call on but THEM-
WELL that is YK deacon- anytime a JW who is Young and holds no title annouces that he "Annointed" the avg body of elders knowsa that they got ONE OF THEM on their hands "A few cards short of a full deck"
not to TRY AND dog my boy but merely to state how HIS PEOPLE VIEW HIM
he is simply an OUTCAST his views are laughed at and discarded the minute he finish stating them
so personally i can see him telling some elder "I surf the net and hang with the apostates" and the elder will respond by saying "Be sure to tell you mom when you get hom we asked about her"- you know the kind 53 and still living with MOM
so as i have always stated THE NET IS IT for my man- it is only here that he can get any resemblance of respect and a listening ear
while i would never tell him not to post- in fact i often show NONJW his post to merely illustrate the Long Term effect of being in WT - smile
the NONJW just love it
so like tell folks this poor jw has tried his hand at predicting the worlds end almost as much as the Boys in Writing and they have the same batting avg on errors 1000%
so don't let YK get you all worked up
instead sit back and enjoy the show
the funniest part is watching how other loyal jw deal with YK- i have often encouraged loyal jw to email thier fellow bro and tell him to lay off the prophecy stuff since it is such a direct violation of what all jw believe- prophecy statements are only to issue for from the FDS not some rengade annointed dude
yet no loyal jw to my knowledge have called him on the carpet at not publicly and if privately IT DIDN'T DO ANY GOOD
so loyal jw are left trying to defend a dude they know if they were called on the carpet would deny in a heart beat
so enjoy the show it gets better with each post of his