
by Deacon 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    Talk about us speaking in riddles? Have you read your comments? How understandable are they to the average joe?

    If you were really a true "follower of Jehovah" you would not be so deceptive. Why would a group of people so strongly believe that the WTS is wrong? It's because we realized the WTS was wrong, not because we want to destroy something good. I would have NEVER felt this way about what I was told my whole life if I hadn't tested my faith, just as the bible tells us to do. The WTS said 1975, plain and simple. They said 1914 and other dates, too. 1914 originally was founded upon numberology and the pyramid of Giza. False divination and the occult is what it is, no way getting around it.

    You know what YouKnow? I believe you have it in you to open your eyes, you just don't want to. If you stay in the WTS, you are directly disobeying Jesus commands, you know that, don't you?


  • You Know
    You Know
    Talk about us speaking in riddles? Have you read your comments? How understandable are they to the average joe?

    I am not speaking in riddles. I explained very plainly how the Bible speaks to the present situation and how Jehovah proposes to yet give his people a change to an uncontaminated language of pure truth. What is so perplexing about that? But, Christ did speak in riddles or illustrations. And his thoughts were largely incomprehensible to the people of his day. Even the apostles struggle to grasp what he was saying. So where does that leave the "average Joe"? I am afraid that the average Joe is an ignorant boob who is victimized by his own conceit.

    If you were really a true "follower of Jehovah" you would not be so deceptive.

    Just how do you imagine I am being deceptive? Did you know that the Bible writer Paul was accused of being deceptive and using trickery?

    Why would a group of people so strongly believe that the WTS is wrong?

    Probably because the Watchtower is wrong! That's not really new light. Probably what is befuddling you is that I just showed how the Watchtower's present interpretation of Zephaniah 3:9 is wrong. That is of course something that apostates have never considered and it CHANGES everything, at least from the standpoint of a faithful witness.

    I would have NEVER felt this way about what I was told my whole life if I hadn't tested my faith, just as the bible tells us to do.

    So, now ask yourself: Where's my faith now? You know all this stuff about how wrong the Watchtower is, but is your faith in Jehovah stronger? Be honest with yourself, your faith was destroyed not strengthened. Unfortunately you believe whatever you are taught. That's not a good position to be in, unless your teacher is Jehovah. In actuality you and many women on this board fit the description given at 2 Tim 3:6: "Those men slyly work their way into households and lead as their captives weak women loaded down with sin, led by various desires, always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth." The only "truth" you seem to know is that the Watchtower is 'wrong, wrong, wrong!'

    The WTS said 1975, plain and simple.

    I know. They were wrong.

    They said 1914 and other dates, too.


    1914 originally was founded upon numberology and the pyramid of Giza. False divination and the occult is what it is, no way getting around it.

    Huh? There apparently was a way around it. The brothers recognized decades ago that is was wrong and they junked the whole pyramid chronology thing that they had foolishly bought into. That's not new light kiddo. LOL

    I believe you have it in you to open your eyes, you just don't want to.

    My eyes are open, wide open. There's is absolutely nothing that the apostates can enlighten me with. What you have is not the truth. You think it is but it is not.

    If you stay in the WTS, you are directly disobeying Jesus commands, you know that, don't you?

    Which command of Jesus' am I disobeying? Explain it to me. Don't speak in oracular riddles! LOL / You Know

  • Deacon

    After careful consideration, I have decided to not answer YK's comments or respond to further comments from him.


    YK has invalidated his position by his presence here in defence of his professed religion.

    It is against the principle that he espouses.

    His words therefore carry no merit or weight, merely fill up the page with hypocrisy and vitriol.

  • You Know
    You Know
    After careful consideration, I have decided to not answer YK's comments or respond to further comments from him.

    Let's face it: You have no answer to my comments. None of you do. If you did I am sure that you would respond. / You Know

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