Thanks for the invite.
You need to have a better understanding of what to expect
when someone RV's a target.
Let me give you a few examples. The subsconscious communicates
via pictures, feelings and memories. So what might be a
good description of the target, may appear with mixed analysis
of the perceptions. has sessions posted that
will give you a better idea how this works...
Plus the books I mentioned earlier are filled with examples.
Anyway, what I saw was that someone did hit your target
and you all joked about it.
So, what to do... why don't all the skeptics put a 1000.00
dollars in a pot, we'll have a third party judge and if I
the Judge says I described any part of the target I get the
money. If I don't you guys can harass me? That seems fair. LOL
People can easily say things don't work, or prove it to me.
But are they willing to put it on the line for money?
Remote Viewing works, let's get 5k on the table, come on!
I'm sure I could get a few other viewers to RV too.
I'm tired of the B.S. of people putting down RV.
So people put up or shut up. Let's see some real money held
by a third party that understands RV.
[email protected]