Remote Viewing

by funkyderek 161 Replies latest jw friends

  • Flip

    Hitler in a staff car saluting as he crosses the Red Sea for the fifty-third time?

    ...ooh? I'm late...rats! Man I could'a used that 50 bucks US (that's equivalent to 3,945.00 CAD!)...and the vibes were just shakin' too...

    Flip @ Tina!

  • bboynekosgirlfriend

    Alright...bloody hell. I'm here to defend myself cause bboyneko has done a bang up job of it. This is his girlfriend.

    Just to start off with i am not a trained seal or monkey or circus act. I don't enjoy being put to 'tests' all the time to prove something i don't see a need to prove. In a sec' I'll explain my experiences so you can, if not beleive, at least see what it's like from my perspective. It is a joy to share this with openminded people but sceptics will often explain everything away no matter how clear the evidence to the contrary; much like a JW will when trying to speak with them against their beleifs:) So if you've experienced that you may be able to understand more easily my reluctance to do these 'tests'.

    Since i was young i have had what is commenly refered to as 'de ja vu'. My step-father would explain it away with the notion that my eyes had merely seen the image a second before my brain had comprehended it. I said ok and thought no more of it. Then my parents seperated and my dad went to live in Belize. One night (i was like 12) i dreamt of an odd pattern. Several weeks later i received a t-shirt from my father. I opened it and my heart jumped into my throat as i saw the pattern on that shirt was the exact same one i had dreamt of. I never wore that shirt being incredibly freaked by it. I thought it was evile or something.

    A few years later(at 15) i dreamt of two men with headphone radios talking to eachother. I thought it was an odd dream but again thought no more of it. Some time later i went to the US for the first time for a wedding and was taken to a baseball game in San fransico. I never even noticed the people infront of me 'til i picked up on their conversation. I then saw they had radio headphones on and i knew what they were going to say. This experience left me less freaked out. It was almost kind of nice for some reason.

    I have had many such experiences. Then i met Dan (bboyneko)who had absolutely no beleif in such things no matter what stories i told him. SO eventually i did something on him that i learnt purely by chance when i was 17. one of my friends asked if i could read her mind so i held her hand and asked her to think of a simple object. I guessed correctly which was a little odd. We did it again and again i got it correctly. This happened several times and i just felt somewhat proud of myself. So i tryed this with dan. I think i guessed the first thing but he was not impressed. So i tryed again. This time i saw all these rectangles spinning around. I thought i must just be having a messed up image so i just asked what it was. he said a rotating brick and then it made sence. That is the weird thing. you have no idea what you are seeing til someone tells you. After that Dan looked into it more and we started experimenting with remote viewing.

    The more i started doing this the more these urgent feelings of terror would wash over me. Eventually i just wouldn't want to participate anymore. Every now and then i'd have a spell of 'de ja vu' that would cause these occurances.

    In febuary of this year i had a brain hemorage meaning my brain bled. Since that i told my doctor of these incidents and he sumized they were either seizures or panic attacks and were probably the cause of my hemorage. Periodically i still get these spells but the less i focus on them the less they occur. I can only think that my brain is just wired in a way that the part of the brain that deals with these things aslo deals with the seizure/panic attacks. So you'll forgive me if i fear releasing this part of myself fully in order to do these test.

    The one thing i can say is the 'visions' or whatever you want to label them were in themselvs very calming and not something i feared. It is unfortunate that i have bad feelings now assosiated with them.

    I have a hard time with doing tests for sceptics. I have done so in the past and some people are just not READY to beleive that such things exhist and no amount of proof can change that.

    Excuse my writing. I am usually a little more eloquent but it's very early in the morning!:)

    I will consider doing this test(for you dan) but i don't really do well in situations where something is riding on my 'visions' hence me sucking at gambling. although if i clear my mind i can sence what lotto numbers will appear right before it's aired. I spent a very boring day once watching college basketball all day and guessed the winning team corectly every time. I have great beleif that anyone can do this too. It's just intuition. We learn self doubt and statistics and probability and how things are 'supposed to be' at an early age, all of which cloud your ability to use your intuition. That's why it often comes though in times of trauma where your most basic survival skills kick in.

  • Celia

    I see... Russelll, swimming in a lake, among jelly fish...
    I see... Rutherford, lying under a barrel of old whiskey, the booze dripping into his open mouth...oh... watch it, don't light your cigar now... boom !

  • JanH

    Welcome bboy's girlfriend,

    I have a hard time with doing tests for sceptics. I have done so in the past and some people are just not READY to beleive that such things exhist and no amount of proof can change that.

    Sorry, that's just a dumb excuse. The reason mysterious powers disappear as soon as they are exposed to real testing, is that they do not exist in the first place. Our brains are powerful. What it is best at, is fooling ourselves.

    I would really, really want to have confirmed that supernatural powers existed. Then I'd want some of them But the so-called evidence always evaporates as soon as these "powers" are exposed to verifiable tests. Why? Because they do not really exist. I don't doubt you have experienced something. I do doubt you can obtain any real, outside knowledge from ESP.

    - Jan
    "People are apprehensive when they meet me. They think I'm going to eat
    them. But underneath it all, I'm quite shy." - Freddie Mercury

  • funkyderek
    I have a hard time with doing tests for sceptics. I have done so in the past and some people are just not READY to beleive that such things exhist and no amount of proof can change that.

    Actually, any amount of proof could change my mind. Just one teensy little bit of real proof. Doing tests for anyone other than sceptics is a waste of time, as they're likely to be more easily convinced.

    Those who can induce you to believe absurdities can induce you to commit attrocities - Voltaire

  • Abaddon

    Well, I know we have more senses than we are normally credited with.

    For example, a programme I saw on ESP reported on a test they did. At the foot of a flight of stairs which often had people queuing on it while they waited to present their tickets and get seats (it was a theatre) there was a mirror. This was actually a one-way window, silvered on the outside so as to make it possible for people inside a room to observe the people on the stairs without being seen.

    If there were people looking at the people on the stairs, the people on the stairs stared at the window far more than if the room was empty and no one was observing them.

    Even more bizarre was an experiment where a person had to click a button when they felt they were being looked at in a closed room with a CCTV camera pointing at them. They were shown to be capable of sensing someone looking at their image over CCTV.

    There are also apparently scientific experiments into remote viewing that work... in one two people who had met for a brief period were isolated from each other. One was given a painting (selected using double blind methods) to look at, the other had to 'recieve'. In the first experiment the reciever noted at least ten major features of the painting (Salvador Dali's The Crucifiction I recall). Subsequent experiments have duplicated the success.

    The most bizzare one (as I can kind of 'get' an ability to pick up another persons thoughts) was a remote viewing test where someone read a five digit number of a piece of paper face-down on a shelf out of their sight whilst under observation, the number being selected by 'double blind' methods. If that is true it is possible to pick up visual input, not from someone elses' head but from thin air. Wild.

    Now, I wasn't there, it could all be charlatans, but these were apparently scientific experiments documented by a major British TV station (BBC or Channel 4, I can't remember).

    So, we don't know everything. The mechanism for these processes is unknown, but there are indications that ESP may be to some extent reality... and I assure you I am a big fat sceptic with knobs on...

  • bboyneko

    Abaddon, thabk you! Yes, the facts seem to show that remote viewers do not a person to be the 'beason' pr whatever. Targets can be accuratley described from thin air. It is a very amazing ability. Guess what? Anyone can do it. try it yourself sometime with the magazine method, selecting a random page in a magazine and stick a marker inside, then sketch your impressions. You might just asmaze yourself.

  • bboyneko
    Because they do not really exist. I don't doubt you have experienced something. I do doubt you can obtain any real, outside knowledge from ESP

    One wonder why, if there is ZERO evidence and it is all made-up, why police frequently hire psychics to search for bodies, and why the US Government for many years had psychics (remote viewers) working for them in project stargate.

    Why would they hire them if they were producing zero results? Why for so many years? If it is just crazy made-up self-delusional crapola. Like I always say, you really gotta experience it for yourself ot start realizing we are more than the sum of our parts.

    p,s- isnt my girlfriend hot?

  • JanH


    One wonder why, if there is ZERO evidence and it is all made-up, why police frequently hire psychics to search for bodies, and why the US Government for many years had psychics (remote viewers) working for them in project stargate.

    Considering how horribly the western powers did against Soviet in the cold war espionage wars, it is hard to imagine that had too many intelligent people working for them, and much less psychics.

    It may have been well worth spending some of the vast amounts of money Pentagon wasted on stupid projects on this, too. They tried to find out if it worked, and it didn't. The Russians made the same experience, as any skeptic could have told them earlier.

    A more interesting question is: how do you "know" about this project stargate? Your "cover up" theories doesn't sound any different from the nutcase UFO conspiracy theories we see here frequently. "No we can't prove it works, because the gov't hides this evidence." How convenient!

    Many people refer (without actual references!) to so-called double blind tests that "confirmed" ESP. What they fail to mention is how these tests were flawed and naive, and that they failed to be repeatable, which is the real test of science.

    Of course, when people desperately want to believe, anything can double as "evidence."

    - Jan
    "People are apprehensive when they meet me. They think I'm going to eat
    them. But underneath it all, I'm quite shy." - Freddie Mercury

  • ChuckD

    The police have NEVER gotten a truly useful piece of information from a psychic. Never. What they get is; "I see a wooded area near a body of water.... the letter "R".... I see a big car...." that sort of useless vague stuff. Put 100 psychic investigators on a single case, and you will get 100 different "leads". If one ends up being somewhat close to reality, that psychic will claim sucess and put it on their resume. Some superstitious cops may still believe in them, and may even use them, but it doesn't mean that it works.

    A gullible aquaintance of mine hired a "psychic investigator" to help in the dissapearance of her husband a few years back. They "sensed" that he was living in Florida, in a "fugue state" (whatever that may mean). This sage advice cost her $800 and she considered it a bargain.

    By the way, he was actually upside-down in his car, in a river in downtown Providence, and was found by a construction crew a year later. He was within a few hundered feet of the house all this time - pretty easy to find for a real psychic, I would think.

    And, yes, the government did investigate remote viewing. They found it to be of no value and discontinued the research. The government looked into all sorts of things in the middle of the cold war, and were always concerned that the Russians had a leg-up on them in some area.

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