Remote Viewing

by funkyderek 161 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006


    You mention hypnotism as being some kind of psychic phenomena, it is not. Hypnotism is noting more than a controlled state of conscientiousness. Its like a person being in a prolonged day dream that someone else takes control of. Everyone has experienced a tiny fraction of a hypnotic state in their lives. I don't know of anyone that has not pulled up to a stop light and for a few seconds has drifted off into a momentary day dream and then has had some guy late for work honk his horn behind you to wake you up and move you on. This is a slight bit of a trance that puts you in a state of splitting your immediate active conscience and a brief state of sub-conscientious activity. Simply stated, you are in a brief dream state.

    Your brain holds memories of everything you have ever seen, smelled, tasted, heard, or touched. In other words every experience you have ever had is stored in your brain. The level of the brains capacity to easily access this information has been confused with the total brain capacity thought to be used. All of your brain is in use and within the last ten years there has been more things revealed about how the brain works then in all of previous scientific history concerning the brain combined. Those who have been considered to be very intelligent just have a more refined ability to access information that is stored in their brain than those who are considered less intelligent who have not continued to develop this ability. There is a lot more to it than that but to go fully into it would take too long, so if any of you brain surgeons want to say I am only partly right and want to expand on my
    comment, have at it.

    Hypnotism is not a psychic ability or phenomenon. It is just the ability to take a person and put them into that day dream state and then control it. It is very similar to a person who sleep walks. Even though they seem to be sound asleep they still have the ability to see where they are walking and go through doors, hallways down stairs and alike. Their conscientiousness is being split, one part that is controlling their sleep walking state and the other is still sound asleep and unaware of their immediate actions. The sleep walker can be
    carefully brought back to bed and then can be woken up. If you attempt to wake them up while they are in the middle of the sleep walk they become startled when the finally realize they are not where they thought they were it becomes a frightening experience for them. If you have ever had to put someone back to bed while they are sleep walking you can see how a person can control the sleep walker while they are in this split consciences state. If you have ever experience a person talking in their sleep it is also a very similar state if conscientiousness. You can talk to them have them answer questions and then they go right back to sleep. In the morning you tell them about it and they have no memory of the experience. The only difference between the person guiding the sleep walker and a person who can hypnotize others is the hypnotist can induce the split conscientious state and the person helping the sleep walker can not.

    A person under hypnosis is in an extremely relaxed state and this allows the person controlling the hypnotic trance to help the individual access the memories in that persons brain and have them remember them and then describe them. There are several different levels of hypnotic states that you can put a person into. Depending on the level of the trance will determine whether the subject will remember anything about the hypnotic experience or not. In a hypnotic state it seems to the subject that no time has passed at all. Not everyone can be hypnotized especially those who refuse to relax or have a preconceived notion that it is all bullshit. Case in point Alan F. Alan and his wife came to visit me a few weeks ago. He had heard that I could hypnotize people and asked me to try it on him. In the process of trying to get him to relax he kept laughing. At that point I just quit, it's like asking someone to relax when you are trying to give them a massage and they keep tightening up. You can not massage a muscle unless the person meets you half way and relaxes himself. Same with hypnosis, if the person is not willing to relax and begin to let his mind drift off to a dream state you can not put them under.

    As far as physic phenomenon which is the subject of this thread I keep an open mind. Offering a million dollars to prove it or disprove it is like offering a million dollars to prove the bible and or evolution is true. There is presently a million dollar prize to prove that aliens are real also. But as most people say unless one lands on the white house lawn and shakes the presidents hand on a live CNN broadcast most people won't believe it. As far as hypnotism, it is real but it does not have anything to do with physic powers, demons, spirits, the
    boogie men or mysterious powers. It's just the ability to talk to someone while they are sleeping.


  • larc


    So there results are inconclusive and unverifiable. The healing water stuff was studied by Randi in a Russion medical center. In this case, the phenomena did not exist. Of course, the believers had all kinds of excuses.

    bboys friend,

    Here is what I propose. I have a picture on my wall. I will e mail a description of it to Simon. You draw what you think is there and post your drawing, and I will let Simon, not me, judge if you are correct or not. If you win, I will contribute 50 dollars to Simon's expenses of running this forum, which are considerable. If I win, then you make the same contribution. Either of us will pay through Paypal.

  • bboyneko

    Also President Jimmy Carter verified that remote viewers used by the CIA were succesful:

    He [Jimmy Carter speaking about a 1978 incident] went on to discuss an incident in which a "special U.S. plane" (presumably a spy plane) had crashed, and a frantic effort to locate the plane yielded no results. Carter said the U.S. knew the plane had crashed in Zaire, Africa, but no one knew exactly where.

    Satellite searches yielded no trace of the plane's wreckage, and in an apparent last-ditch effort to locate it, the Central Intelligence Agency called in a California woman who claimed to have psychic powers.

    "I have to say that without my knowledge, the head of the CIA asked her to come in," Carter said. "She went into a trance. And while she was in the trance, she gave some latitude and longitude figures. We focused our satellite cameras on that point and the plane was there."

    quotes on remote viewing:

    'I never liked to get into debates with the skeptics, because if you didn't believe that remote viewing was real, you hadn't done your homework.'
    Major General Edmund R Thompson, U.S. Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, 1977-81, Deputy Director for Management and Operations, DIA, 1982-84

    'You can't be involved in this for any length of time and not be convinced there's something here.'
    Norm J., former senior CIA official who tasked remote viewers

    [b]'The secret is out: remote viewing exists, it works, it has been tested, proven and used in intelligence for over two decades. The recent (US) government admissions concerning the use of psychic warfare are crucial, irrefutable testimony that what I have said here is the truth...'

    (U.S.) Major David Morehouse speaking after the 1995 revealtion that the CIA had funded psychics

  • bboyneko

    I realize hypnotism is not psychic, I was simply stating that this is a bizzare fact about the human mind that we know is truth.


  • seven006

    You mean I wrote all that shit for noting? Where's my damn voodoo break dancing doll?

    Did ya just feel a sharp pain in your butt?


  • rem


    Again, more nice anecdotes, but no concrete evidence. We've all had a chance to look at the government report of this so-called successful project. People who believe in the phenomenon will look through the numbers and see proof. Others don't see any evidence at all - at most a statistical blip probably based on flawed procedures. If the program was so successful, why is there not unambiguous evidence?

    Confident quotes from psi believers and second hand accounts of fantastic stories does not constitute evidence in my book.

    And about the Sony thing - so what? So a head of the company belived in psi claims and they researched it. Just because they proclaim that they found evidence for psi doesn't mean it is true - their experiments have to be replicated.

    Don't you see - anyone can claim anything - people have claimed to produce cold fusion in a lab - but they were wrong. The results could not be reproduced. Should we believe that cold fusion is a real phenomenon on Earth just because a certain group of scientists made a claim? That is not how science works, my friend.


    "Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so."
    ..........Bertrand Russell

  • bboyneko

    dave, no you didnt it will benefit JW lurkers who beleive it to be satanic work.

    And I do have to contend that there is no concrete evidence for remote viewing, same as ghosts and UFO's. And same as ghosts and UGFO's, you prolly wont beleive it until you get kidnapped by a haunted UFO :)

    I'm a beleiver of RV only because I saw it first hand. Before that point I was extremley skeptical and figured it was all slight-of-hand and hoaxes.


  • larc


    As I said before, if you saw it and believe it, why don't you have it verfied and you and your friend can split a cool million.

  • seven006


    As I said, I have a very open mind when it comes to things that might be considered a little on the weird side. I can't find any rules that say I have to express a feeling of belief or not to contemplate any subject matter. Some people seem to feel that they have to choose an absolute side on everything. I have had a few hard to explain experiences in my life and I have found that it's best to keep them to myself and just keep observing.

    You came to the defense of your lady, that I see as a very real thing and I admire that. Belief is a very weird thing in itself, facts are cold and hard, belief is warm and fuzzy. Love is based on belief and those with very scientific convictions in life can not absolutely prove for a fact that someone else loves them but they want to believe it as much as possible. In that aspect belief is good enough for them and absolute proof is only an illusion built around hope and desire. Love is an absolute essential in life where as belief in something that may look or sound a bit weird is not. What you have with your lady and she has with you is essential, the rest is just stuff.


  • bboynekosgirlfriend

    REM i appreciated your post. Thankyou. I'm still gonna argue with you though:)


    Until that cheap stunt on Derek, you might have had some credibility. Now it's obvious you'll use fraud to support your claims to supernatural abilities. What is it to you? a publicity stunt?

    Just to clarify that is not bboynkeosgirlfriend.I.E. Me. that was someone else being humorous. That's not my bag baby. She never claimed any abilities. Your anger is unjustified.


    You say that your girl friend has the gift, but doesn't want to prove it, because it gives her anxiety going throught the process. I would think that even a large dose of anxiety would be worth a million dollars. Your example, with her drawings, seems much like what Randi ran into on several occasions. People make claims, but won't put it to the test. Myself and someone else offered to conduct an experiment, but you stated that your girl friend didn't want to participate.


    That's a cheap ad hominem that can just as well backfire on yourself and your little magic girl fraudster.


    I offered an objective bet to you, and then you tell me your girl friend won't do it because it will make her very anxious. It sounds like a cop out to me.

    Read my flippin' posts. I have told you about my reasons for being sceptical of doing these tests but that i will do them if no money is riding on them. I HAD A BLOODY STROKE! Forgive me if i worry about a reoccurance! Your need for proof overrides your compasion for others. That's awful. I was paralysed on my right side. I couldn't eat or even swallow. Give me a break! Sorry your tests don't factor at the top of my to do list.

    And i really don't enjoy name calling such as'little magic girl fraudster' You have NO proof that i am in any way a fraud. Have i used magic on you? Conned you in any way? I have said i will do a test for fun. I won't do it for money. That's not why i do it. It was just a random thing i found out i could do. I don't charge for people to see me do it. I don't state it is paranormal or otherwise. All i do is refer to it as a skill just like walking and smelling and eating. It's just something i do. I know far too little about it to label it.Ok...calming down:)

    So i don't get it. Randi and others want to disprove people trying to make money off their skills by offering them a reward to prove it. Anyone else see something a little awry there?

    I went to his site and read his requirements. For one you have to go through a proliminary test which they don't hesitate to mention noone has passed. Right there they show they are out to DISprove not prove. You have to pay for all costs incured. You sign the right for them to use the findings for ANY purpose they chose so they can ridicule your test for the whole world to see. It's rediculous because the skill is so illy understood that ther IS NO PROVEN TESTING METHOD. The conditions SEEM reasonable until you put into consideration they already beleive you will fail and then they basically are saying we have the right to make you feel foolish and ridicul your test results that we have already shown we have no real faith that you'll pass.And if you don't agree with the terms you can't perticipate. It is all publicity.

    I know that if there were a test for say artistic ability where they say from the very beginning we don't think you have any talent and reserve the right to tell the entire country so, you would be reluctant to participate bcause it's just offensive.

    I can't understand how people(noone in perticular) can have blind faith in something that serves the self like religion but something that can't be proven to help you is disregarded as 'trickery''superstition' and a darned many other explenations that would be better served being applied to ones spiritual beleifs rather than something that I have proven to many people. I will show you any time for free my abilities but i don't enjoy these 'freak tests'.

    (extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence)

    Most of the world claims god exhists in one form or another yet i have found no such extraordinary evidence to back IT up. And all i do is see things in a book where a piece of paper is drawn. Religion is what many based their entire lived and morals and principals on. you'd think THAT should require more evidence than my skills do yet i have experienced way more people willing to believe in mythical beings than something i can prove right infront of them. Now god...there's an amusing anecdote.

    It seems that when proving this skill there is no room for error which is ludicrous. Not even an olympic althete can run his winning time every run. In weightlifting you sometimes can lift alot more than other days. In iceskating you can't perform a triple lutes perfectly every time. Infact most times they don't. But if I don't do some test correctly many people will write off my abilities as fiction. Just cause the ice skater can't land her lutes on a particular day doesn't mean she can't ever do it. I feel it is an unfare standard.

    Confident quotes from psi believers and second hand accounts of fantastic stories does not constitute evidence in my book.

    And about the Sony thing - so what? So a head of the company belived in psi claims and they researched it. Just because they proclaim that they found evidence for psi doesn't mean it is true - their experiments have to be replicated.

    Ok... You want evidence then you brush it off?

    I just have a different explanation - a scientifically accepted explanation - for my experiences.

    Don't you see - anyone can claim anything - people have claimed to produce cold fusion in a lab - but they were wrong. The results could not be reproduced. Should we believe that cold fusion is a real phenomenon on Earth just because a certain group of scientists made a claim? That is not how science works, my friend.

    Poor scientist...not even they know how science works.

    Science isn't a science(hehe cool) as you show . I remeber learning things in school that the same scientist now say aren't true after all. Scientist know very little they are fumbling around in the dark too. There are medical methods that have been proven to work for centuries that they will not embrace because they can't understand how it works so they say it doesn't work. They can't understand what we have been discusing so to them it doesn't exhist. How can anyone learn anything if they are so quick to dismiss anything they can't understand. It's science or nothing. It's arrogant to beleive that science is the only truth when we honestly as a speices know very little about the world we live in, our own bodies and minds.

    About any test. No money riding on it then i'll do it.

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