Jehovah KILLED Jesus before he came to earth

by VM44 59 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • VM44

    In another thread the question of a person's memories being placed within a re-created body has been discussed.

    The possibility was raised that what if two bodies were created, and the person's memories were placed in both bodies? Which re-created person would be the continuation of the original person?

    AlmostAtheist (Dave) made the point that The Watchtower would most likely answer by saying Jehovah would allow such a situation, that is, allow two bodies to exist at the same time that both contain the memories of the same individual.

    That being so, what about during the time just before Jesus came to earth, when Jehovah transferred the memories of Michael the Archangel to the egg in Mary's womb? The egg that would develop and latter be born as Jesus the child?

    Michael's memories would have been in TWO different bodies at the same time!!! Yes, one body would have been physical, the other spiritual, but the point is, which one would have been considered the individual Michael the Archangel/Jesus?

    But Jehovah could not allow this to be, an individual can only have one body at any one time. What does this imply? Simply this, after the memories of the Archangel were place in the developing embryo that would become Jesus, Jehovah had to DESTROY the spiritual body of Michael! And furthermore, just because memories are placed in another body, does not mean the memories of the ORIGINAL body are destroyed! So the spiritual body of Michael could very well still have possessed all of it's memories!

    The conclusion is that Jehovah had to kill or destroy Jesus while he was in heaven, before he could send him to earth.

    The implications of this are profound! Far beyond anything The Watcthower would, or could, handle in its publications!


  • VM44

    There is only one way out of this, to postulate some "spiritual body" that contains the essence of an individual, and it is this essence that is transferred between bodies and determines the personal identity of a living creature.

    But that sounds too much like the "immortal soul" doctrine that The Watchtower avoids.

    Nonetheless, the Watchower memory transfer concept of ressurection is bankrupt!


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Wilbur Lingle does a good job with this, by asking "what came down from heaven?" or "what is a life force?"

    Jesus had to be only a man and could have no part of an angel in Him.

    D Dog

  • VM44

    Hi D Dog,

    Thank you, I would like to read what he has written. Can you recommend any specific titles?


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    How to use the1995 Watchtower Publication "KNOWLEDGE THAT LEADSTO EVERLASTING LIFE" to witness effectivey to a Jehovahs Witness

    I think it's available through free minds

    D Dog

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Another good question was "Did God kill Michael or did he commit suicide"

    If God killed Michael then He killed a sinless being. The bible says the wages of sin is death.

    D Dog

  • vitty

    The WT also says that Jesus only had his memories of his past heavenly life, returned to him when he was baptized.

    Cant recall the WT or any scriptures to back it up, but hell what does that matter, if the WT says that then.........................

    But that is a good question !

  • Woodsman

    Its a good question. For the Watchtower to be correct the human brain is capable of retaining billions of years of angelic memories without losing one. Unless Jehovah downloaded some on a memory stick to reinstall when Michael got back to heaven.

    Where were the memories for three days when Jesus was dead? External hardrive?

  • ellderwho


    As Dog has mentioned already, the "what came down from heaven" is a air-tight unanswerable problem that works great. I watched my study(elder step father) become very uncomfortable with this problem that I would not let go away.

    Jesus either commits suicide or Jehovah kills him. Its the dubs call.

  • Navigator

    What if the Hindus are correct and all of this is "Maya", Illusion? According to Hindu theology, and also "A Course in Miracles" we have never left our home in heaven. We are only dreaming a lucid dream of separation that never really happened. The concept of memories only becomes important if you believe that life is in the body. According to the mystic Joel Goldsmith, there is only one body and that body is immortal and eternal. This thing we have on earth that ages and dies, gets sick, and suffers all manner of distress is merely a "concept of body".

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