According to the WTS the following makes up an individual:
*** ts chap. 19 pp. 171-174 Billions Now Dead Will Soon Live Again ***
What, then, does resurrection mean for the individual? It means his being brought back to life as the same person. And what makes an individual the person he is? Is it the chemical substance making up his body? No, inasmuch as the molecules in the body are regularly being replaced. What really distinguishes him from other people, then, is his general physical appearance, his voice, his personality, his experiences, mental growth and memory. So when Jehovah God, by means of his Son Jesus Christ, raises a person from the dead, he evidently will provide that person with a body having the same traits as previously. The resurrected person will have the same memory that he had acquired during his lifetime and he will have the full awareness of that memory. The person will be able to identify himself, and those who knew him will also be able to do so.
How many of the above traits constituted the "LIFE of God's son" that was transferred to the womb of Mary?
General Physical appearance: I suppose a dub could say that Jesus the man was given the genes to resemble Michael the Archangel.
Voice: Same as above?
Personality: There is a possibility that certain personality traits were transferred genetically, although not all personality traits are genetic but based on experiences.
Experiences: No. This is based on memory and memory wasn't transferred.
Mental Growth: No. Mental growth is based on memory and memory wasn't transferred.
Memory: No. The WTS states that memory wasn't transferred until Jesus' baptsim.