What were you disfellowshipped for?

by Kristofer 52 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Lack of interest.

  • doofdaddy

    Never bothered to find out...

    It's funny 'cause I only spoke to one elder in the street. He asked me if I was coming back.? No

    Did I believe jws have the truth? No

    Well, write a letter to disassociate. No

    They knew my phone number and address.

    May be the holy spirit made an exception in my case

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Only if the "holy spirit" you are refering to is Kentucky Sour Mash.

  • doofdaddy

    I'm a scotch man myself.

    Much more reliable than gods active force

  • Gadget

    I got df'd for immorality. I got caught having anal sex with the presiding overseers daughter. I think after that no matter how repentant I was I was getting df'd.

  • mineralogist

    I am DFed mainly for apostasy - to be more precisley: for meeting with apostates. But as i did not want to go without any hint for the brothers and sister i wrote a letter to most of my congregation. I mentioned that no formal bibletext normally used for DFing would apply on my situation (2 John 9; Titus 3:10, 1.Cor 5:11, 1.John 2:18,19). So it was only driven by the elders as i even did not spread any info about my doubts (only with a close friend who also left the org)

    In view of my activities during the JC they concluded with following reasons:
    Apostasy, slander and causing division (2.John 9-11; 1.Cor 6:10; Romans 16:17,18)

    "slander" because i wrote the brothers the outcoming of the JC was settled even before starting it. (so where is the slander? I am DFed)
    "Causing division" is very funny, because this was only due to my letter which wouldn't be sent if JC had not been started. It must have been a main theme in the congo for some time.

  • Outlawed

    After named a couple hot items to an elder and called them Pharisees they kicked me and my wife out and shunning begun. A letter was read that we were no more JW's (after 30 years). Strange isn't it?

    3 years free

    Robert and Marianne

  • lisavegas420
    unrepentant for immoral acts.

    Well, it wasn't that I was unrepentant. Actually the 1 time affair, (if that's what you want to call it) had been 6 months previous. But I was felt so guilty and ashamed. I went to the elders and confessed. I was disfellowshipped. One of the elders came to me alone and almost whispered, "appeal the decision." So I did. I was still disfellowshipped.....But not before I gave out all the sexual details a second time, only this time, I didn't even know half of elders as they came from a different cong.

    Around this time, I also got on anti-depressant and anxiety meds. I was so drugged up on xanax that I was completely numb when weeks later they had finally arranged the appeal. When I think back on it now it seems like a bad dream.

    I didn't care anymore, I was just going though the motions. I knew Armageddon was any minute, I was going to die anyway.


    p.s. to be honest...the other two times I was disfellowshipped was also for immorality

  • AlmostAtheist

    Apostasy -- I celebrated Christmas. :-)

    Don't touch me, you don't wanna get any on ya.


  • Outaservice

    Believe it or not, 'NON MEETING ATTENDANCE'! I told them, "Thank God, I thought it was for something serious"!

    Outaservice ( or some call me 'Outameetings')

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