I was df'd because I didn't approach the elders quickly enough after committing fornication. ( waited 6 months.) I then specifically asked if they thought I was repentent. They said yes. So I appealed. And was told the same thing.
What were you disfellowshipped for?
by Kristofer 52 Replies latest jw experiences
My now ex wife was going through some difficult times. Due to molestations by her brother an uncle and her mothers boy friends, which she had sleeping in her daughters bed room. A sure set up to have her daughters "my ex wife" molested.After 23 years of marriage all this comes out and my now ex wife was suicidal. In the process she sought out relationships with these family members and directed her anger to me.
"At least this is how the psychiatrist explained it all to me".
To this day I am not certainly sure what was going on in her mind and her reasoning. Anyway the elders inserted themselves into this mess and made things much worse.
One morning my ex wife tried to punish me by saying "this is what the gb says" as a way to force me to agree with her.
My reply was "fuck the gb", She left at that moment and and headed for two of the elders that did not like me at all, as I had created a problem by not accepting the elders dismissing of my daughters molestation by an uncle.
One of the elders purposly insulted me in front of others. SO I was heading his way with the idea in mind of " he needs the shit kicked out of him" and I told them all so.
My son grabs me and stops the effort to hurt this guy.
SO I was df'd for "FITS OF RAGE" and for once they were right.
Yeah I know you all want to know, yes we did divorce. This turned out to be one of the best things that has happened in my life.
I am free and away from the whole rotten mess.
How did you get df'd for not attending meetings? Details please.