You are correct in all cases I only DFd for lack of repentance -the "sins" I have listed were what I judged they were unrepentant about
What were you disfellowshipped for?
by Kristofer 52 Replies latest jw experiences
I'm not DF'd... I'm fading. If I am DF'd it will be for apostacy. If they try to DF me, though, they will get an earfull first. I know it won't help my situation at all, but on the off chance that I might make one of the elders think, I'd give it a shot, I think.
I disassociated for doctrinal disagreements but if I had stayed on I would get done for apostasy. They don't reply to your questions they just expel you, that alone shows they are a shameful cult.
The elders told me that even though they felt I was repentant, they were going to disfellowship me anyway so I would be an example to others in the congregation.
I'm glad to be gone but I miss my family, I'll never forgive those elders for taking them away.
I was DFed for immorality
Well, if they get around to announcing it -- apostasy.
Even though the announcement has NOT yet been made, the shunning has commenced...
I actually da'd, but I would have been disfellowshipped for talking to a da'd friend, so I took my own action to save them the trouble
For apostasy
oops, sorry!
witnesses only get disfellowshipped for being unrepentant for immoral acts
They tell everyone who's coming into the borg that you don't get dféd for sinning but your attitude to the sin. an unrepantant attitude is what gets you dféd.
And like many others that's exactly what i believed and had confidence in.
UNTIL.........................i personally went through a jc that was set up and corrupt from the onset.
In short i was dféd to be silenced, quite simple.
because my child was sexually abused by a dub who didn't get dféd because he was an un-baptised publisher and i wasn't going to let another kid get hurt, they got witnesses to twist something i said and they had false grounds to df me for slander, gossip and loose conduct.
you can read some of my previous posts for more details.
cheers, bliss