I have a lodger that I flat share with. It was funny listening to what Ellie said, because when you flat share, you still have to consider who gets what use of the kitchen and bathroom. And because we both share the cost of the internet, you have to consider one person hogging all the bandwidth while the other person is trying to play a game online. I'm sure it's a good life skill to have to learn respect and open comunication even between two blokes who are friends.
Ballistic, around my house having access to the internet is just as vital as having water and electricity! I had the bad experience of having my broadband go out and having to hook-up to dial up. My family was not happy! I think that we were in the throws of detoxification or something. Anyway, I decided to get Yahoo DSL. So now, I have Yahoo DSL and cable. I'm working on getting a third computer. When the twins were here, at one point, we had two laptops and two desk tops.
Oh and to answer the question of the thread: I'm married.