I love night raids steve. I get giggly after 8pm without any stimuli in sight (natural adrenalin or endorphins or something kick in about that time according to a vet friend) but would be happy to join a group as long as we did a 100% professional job. It'd be great to use a cordless side grinder to take about 6 inches (150mm) off the top but it'd have to be wielded by any expert with a good eye not just some vandal hack job.
Wow like that's not going to look suspicious, walking into a cemetery with powertools
Don't the big cemeteries in the states have security at night?
On the serious side though I'd be up for that, One it be a laugh and two it would embarrass the org because of the publicity russells pagan grave got and we could issue a statement to the press saying we did it because of the way the orgs shunning policy has destroyed families.
It'll be like nicking the stone of destiny and wallace's sword all over again...