Married or single?

by greendawn 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Legolas
    Married or single?

    Happily married

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    To use an old fashioned term...

    I am living in SIN !

    Bite me jehooba

  • Hellrider

    Ok, "shacking up", now I learned a new word. Thanks. Anyway, why do people get married anyway. It`s just a paper and a ring, that causes problems when the divorce comes (sooner or later, so the statistics say). I don`t think we`re meant to stay our whole life with one person. Maybe I will, but if so, it`ll probably be because of lazyness. You know, gettin up of your butt, packing your things, find an appartment, move, going out drinking again, socializing, actually doing all that talking-with-women-stuff again to hopefully get in the sack with one, half-drunk and the one-night-stand won`t be a success cause you`re drunk and it`s not easy to perform drunk, plus you feel awkward cause you don`t know what she prefers in bed and where she "draws the line", and anyway, she`s wasn`t the one you had your eyes set on that night, but she was the one that was available, etc...

    God no. Think I`ll just stay where I am. Nothing wrong with being lazy.

  • collegegirl21

    I am happily single, but if the right guy comes.... I'd happily take a relationship.

  • Cellist

    Married. Happily.


  • DelTheFunkyHomosapien

    Single. Waiting for the right girl. Any takers?????? Can't hurt to at least ask.

  • unclebruce

    Geez Collegegirl...all those meetings ... didn't you learn anything? .. here take this and let me have a go .. hu hum.. I am happily single, but if the right guy comes.... I'd happily take a relationship. I am happily single, but if the right guy comes.... I'd happily take a relationship. I am happily single, but if the right guy comes.... I'd happily take a relationship. unc from the watchtower school of advertising. and what did the Donald say? "Brand yourself and blow your own trumpet" (i'd pay to see that

  • ferret

    Married and Happy.

  • Purza

    Very happily married. I was single for many years and do not miss it.


  • Spectre

    I've always been single. I would just like to be in a relationship that lasts for more than 6 months.

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