Watchtower Money for protest and awareness
My page is getting mega-hits thanks for your support everyone
by Severus 185 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Watchtower Money for protest and awareness
My page is getting mega-hits thanks for your support everyone
I will say this-- time and again XJW's come online here and exclaim "wow, I never knew sites like this existed!!" So even though the internet is helping tremendously, there are still 1000's of people out there who have no clue. The internet is a great tool, but only if it can reach the intended audience. I think Danny does an excellent job of exposing the WT, not only on sites like these, but also unrelated secular sites.
Another thing Danny, if I were to ever win a multi-million dollar sweepstakes, I would help you financially with your work. I wish I were a millionaire, because I would really hit the WT hard. I would travel full time across the country educating people of the dangers and exposing the WT.
Im thinking about printing one and puting in with the emblems when they pass it to me ;)
Dave, part of the reason so many people do not know about the great xjws sites is of course the scary stuff they hear from the wts (the internet is bad). Even if they leave they somehow don't want to be known as an apostate. As I have said numerous times, rabid apostate is their word for us. All we really are is people who don't want to be jws any longer. I refuse to let them tell me who I am.
My own child, who hates jws as much as any living human can, says the apostates are weird, why don't they just get on with their lives? I tried to help them to understand, but there are just some of us who are not interested in exposing the WTS. We may never walk into a KH agian but we don't want to be known as an apostate.
also I have noticed two schools of thought on being df or da. some of us would not willingly let them do this to us, just b/c we don't want them to have any control over our life, and by following their stupid rules they do. Others can't wait to da or df b/c they just want out and want everyone to know.
I am and always have been primarily recruitment interdiction,if i can help an active Jehovah's Witness see the light and come to their senses thats awesome.
You wanna be a JW who mocks,jeers and sneers me that's your pleasure.
Nothing anyone says does or prays for will make me die at armageddon or make the Watchtower leaders rule the world.
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