I can't speak for how the JWs are outside of the the US, but I can tell you what reaction your funny money is going to garner here. 99% of the people who see it will yawn, because they have no fing clue who's picture is on the bill. Secondly, your poor attempt at a subtle jibe with the serial numbers will also fly over the heads of at least half of the remaining 1%. Let me ask you something, you ever see the posts from those JW whackos who get on this (and other) boards and post a 200 line conglomeration of pure shite? Y'know, the ones crammed full of disjointed cliches and cool sounding scriptures that don't mean dick, finally ending with some sort of barfed out plea for us to save ourselves, to repent and return to God's organization while there is still time? Well, this is equivalent to that.
For those of you who's bitterness and hate have driven you to declaring war, fine, I understand. I even agree. But you are violating the first rule of warfare: know your enemy. Do you honestly believe that somebody is going to see this silly as prank of funny money and suddenly shout, "Yes! I see it all now! I'm the f out of here!" These people are expecting you to do this, or something equally sophomoric. If you actually go onto WTS property and do this silliness, you will piss those people off because you will have violated their space. They will not laud your "bravery" or your keen insight nor your level headedness. In fact, from past experience, the c*cksucking elders will end up using it against you, and they will only circle the wagons a little tighter. (I can here it now, "Watch out! Next year it may be Molotov Cocktails!")
To those who may argue that if at least "one person is saved, its worth it", might I suggest that you seriously consider returning to the WTS, where you can be safely out of harms way and have someone else do your thinking for you. What about the nine others who will be even more convinced that apostates are a collective of childish dipshits that can't seem to get a life on their own? Are you sure you're going to be proud of yourself for springing some half-wit that was impressed by funny money? Don't worry about that guy, something's going to get him sooner or later.
Believe me, there are a large number of people who are looking forward to the memorial about as much as the rest of the world awaits the Bird Flu. You will make better inroads by explaining to these people that after 5 meetings a week, they are told they HAVE to go to the memorial even though they are told that if they aren't annointed the memorial isn't about them. According to the FDS, Christ's sacrifice had nothing to do with the "great crowd", so why waste a perfectly good evening on a bunch of megalomaniacs? to "show our support" for the FDS? Crap! Like I said, they're at a meeting 5 fing times a week, if the FDS can't understand support by then, f 'em, they ain't never gonna learn.