To all those posting negitive comments:
Go post somewhere else, this thread is about a campaign that many feel strongly about, we are looking for support, you gave your opinion and if you don't have anything to contribute go post in another thread.
by Severus 185 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
To all those posting negitive comments:
Go post somewhere else, this thread is about a campaign that many feel strongly about, we are looking for support, you gave your opinion and if you don't have anything to contribute go post in another thread.
Go post somewhere else, this thread is about a campaign that many feel strongly about, we are looking for support, you gave your opinion and if you don't have anything to contribute go post in another thread.
Still got some of that JW mentality left in ya, huh?
This is a discussion board. We discuss things. We don't always agree on everything so we discuss and debate them. If we were all of the same mind about everything, without the freedom to speak our mind about it, we wouldn't be any better than Jehovah's Witnesses who aren't allowed to question, dissent and rebel.
You can insult the hell out of an idea, but you should never insult the owner of the idea.
I don't like what Undercover said, we disagree (it's ok, I'm right).
But that doesn't mean I wouldn't drink a beer and watch a nascar race with him.
This is a discussion board. We discuss things. We don't always agree on everything so we discuss and debate them. If we were all of the same mind about everything, without the freedom to speak our mind about it, we wouldn't be any better than Jehovah's Witnesses who aren't allowed to question, dissent and rebel.
Thank you for this.
Yes, this is why I suggested and asked the question that "isn't this childish?" I didn't mean to insult, just wondered if anyone else felt that way.
Maybe it's my age, or maybe it's being out of the JW's for almost 10 years and seeing very little good done by any of these tactics, but it all seems pointless to me. I prefer to just live well and let them see that we (my family and myself) are doing well without them. I feel that if I were to do something like has been suggested with the "money" thing, that they would all know where it came from, since we are just about the only apostates in the area..................granted we are a large family, but Dave and I get blamed for all the apostate activities in this area, and we don't do anything at all. We are quiet, respectful and have just gotten on with our lives.
At least here in our town, it would do no good.
Remember, apostates can't be apathetic. this is Theocratic WARFARE, we have to be militant. That's all there is to it.
Awe Richie dontcha know you get more ants with honey, eh sugar?
Remember, apostates can't be apathetic. this is Theocratic WARFARE, we have to be militant. That's all there is to it.
While I agree with this thought to a degree, it's also important to recognize that there are other facets in warfare where multiple approaches compound each other to create maximum effectiveness.
The people working in the factory to make military uniforms are just as important to the cause as the people out on the front lines. The civilians who support the soldiers with camraderie and being living examples of what it is like to be a successful, happy and prosperous exJW are just as important as the Danny Haszards, Richie Riches, Quotes, ReExaminers and Shunned Fathers.
You just never know exactly what will make a JW stop and think. I've gotten further in discussing JW issues with JWs - not when I have behaved like a foaming-at-the-mouth stereotypical Apostate™ - but when I've calmly listened to things about the organization that are bothering THEM, and subtly talked about those things from the perspective of how they mesh with what the Bible says.
JWs expect Apostates™ to be angry and militant - they are mentally prepared to put up a blockade at any hint of militancy directed against the Organization™. What they do not expect is to find happy, successful, peaceful and reasonable people who are willing to listen to them and show a real interest in them, rather than shove anti WTS propaganda down their throats.
There is room in this war for both the militant approach, and the gentler, more subtle approach. We all have the same goal - let's not lose sight of that.
The idea may sound childish to some, but then again what was so "grown-up" about spending hours and hours of your life pounding on doors to make your quota?
The fact is that if this campaing brings only one person out of the clutches of the WT$, isn't it worth it?
I will agree that this sort of camaign is not as effective as a one-on-one encounter, but the fact is that campaigns like this do one of three things:
1. They plant the seed of doubt.
2. They water the seed of doubt.
3. They cause the seed to germinate and to cause the JW to either leave or hunker-down.
Three of the four are good in my mind.
PS sorry for the seed analogy.
Awe well that's what I get for just viewing the last page of the thread, my bad......after reading the first page I understand the bigger issue.
I'm all for mass mailings but as for actually stepping one toe into a kingdom hall ever again, I won't do it not even to just drop a slip of paper in the contribution box. Sorry but there is no way I would do that.
The civilians who support the soldiers with camraderie and being living examples of what it is like to be a successful, happy and prosperous exJW are just as important as the Danny Haszards, Richie Riches, Quotes, ReExaminers and Shunned Fathers.Amen sister Scully!
Don't forget to leave checks behind in restroom stalls, tucked in paper towel dispensers and toilet paper dispensers. And if you have the courage, on the dashboards of cars in the parking lot.
i think its a bright idea. I hope that even out of all the different ones in attendence. Someone is set free.