Nothing worries the Society more than the idea of their members Googling "Jehovah's Witnesses".
da troof!
by Severus 185 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nothing worries the Society more than the idea of their members Googling "Jehovah's Witnesses".
da troof!
Personally, I'm not one for such antics. I do think it's counter-productive. It (imo) makes us look bad.
Can you expand on that minimus or is that it? lol
I don't see how you can look any worse to a loyal dub than you do now you spiritually dead, imoral, rabid, foaming at the mouth, hate filled apostate.
Remember how 9/11 made lots of people very suspicious about ALL Muslims and people of Arab descent? We all know that the vast majority of Arabic and Muslim people are not terrorists, do not hate Americans, and just want to live a normal life in the US, Canada, the UK, Europe, etc, outside of their country of origin.
The radical element among exJWs is what JWs are expecting to see of ALL exJWs. The WTS has primed them that we are all just like terrorists who want to destroy them and the WTS. It feeds their Persecution Complex. It makes them more protective of their belief system.
On the other hand, the middle ground exJWs (especially ones who have faded without being DFd or DAd) is something they do not expect when they encounter us. They are more inclined to let their guard down because they don't see us as a threat. That gives us an advantage. They start to see us as being "not so bad". They start to see us as "good people" even though we aren't JWs anymore. They see us as being happy, and it starts to bug them. They start to ask questions - maybe not to us directly - but it makes them think.
The middle-grounders need the radical exJWs to make us look like an acceptable alternative to questioning JWs.
Like I said before, we all want the same thing, we just have different ways of getting there. All of them have different levels of success.
Printing phony money is dumb to begin with. Believing that printing phony Watchtower money will make a statement is even dumber.
LOL at minimus .. mind the fort will you man .. i'm off to dreamland zzzzzzzzzz
do they call them "zees" in Australia? or "zeds"?
zzzzzz uh .. it's sis scully ..yaaawnn .. it's zeds apostadaria .. but that's ok .. take a bum steer and if pain persists see me in the morning ..zzzzzzzzzz
On the other hand, the middle ground exJWs (especially ones who have faded without being DFd or DAd) is something they do not expect when they encounter us. They are more inclined to let their guard down because they don't see us as a threat. That gives us an advantage. They start to see us as being "not so bad". They start to see us as "good people" even though we aren't JWs anymore. They see us as being happy, and it starts to bug them. They start to ask questions - maybe not to us directly - but it makes them think.
if you are not DF or DA they would be more inclined to talk to you b/c they can . Also, most likely you have not publically identifed yourself as an xjws. So if you are not known as an xjws, you are not a danger, they feel. maybe just bad association.
I do not see anyone who has an xjws website as a terrorist, but most current jws would. It would not matter how nice or pleasnst the website is. If you identify yourself as opposing jws in anyway, you are an apostate and might as well be a terrorist. jws don't care if you are opposing doctine or the blood issue, the fact is you oppose.
I see what you are saying that Danny might look like what the wts has told them an apostate looks like, but they feel that way about all apostate sites, that is until they start to look into things for themself. And yes, danny's site might not be the first site some would go to, some might pefer the more gentle sites. However, I myself avoided the religious sites, I would have looked at his site first b/c he has less doctrine issures on his site.
Generally, the only people looking at xjws websites are those who are already having doubts and yes most of them would come here first. .
there is somethig for everyone.
Danny helps some people. he has a persence on the net. So does Freeminds. They help people. People who are already looking. jws that are not looking just call us all apostates.
I think its a great idea, you never know, just one person may read something off these bills that causes curiosity.
If everyone would do something to help expose the WT Society, then the WT would crumble to the ground. It just seems like there's a sizeable number of XJW's that dont want to contribute to any campaign. Danny Haszard is right when he quotes "evil prevails when good people do nothing"
Do something, do anything, just never forget the children who are stuck in that hell-hole religion.