Ghosts, Demons, or Imagination?

by ButtLight 180 Replies latest jw friends

  • funkyderek


    So, what do you suggest? That they stop watching scary movies, stop playing video games that could frighten their subconscience?

    Yes, if they're too young or emotionally immature to handle them. By the age of 12, many children would have learned to distinguish between the events in a horror movie or video game and those of real life. But if they were brought up to believe that such things really exist, they would have no mechanism for distinguishing between fantasy and reality.

    It might help, but I'm not sure it would stop the little toys from operating by themsleves with no batteries.

    It's probably just about possible that an exceptionally strong electromagnetic field would cause a toy to operate without its batteries, but it's far far more likely that ButtLight was simply mistaken.

    I had nightmares when I was young, and if I remember well, it wasn't real. But this doesn't mean that one size fits all.

    No, it's possible that your nightmares were caused by the normal processes in your brain, and that ButtLight's son's nightmares were caused by invisible spirits, but they are probably similar in their nature and content, so why invent a superfluous "explanation" for one of them?

  • SixofNine

    Interesting essay, SickofLies.

    Autistic thinking supports primitive thinking in adults because it is a process of self-reference: I would not believe in something that is not real. I believe in demons; therefore, demons must be real.

  • MsMcDucket

    What are Sleep Terrors?

    Sleep Terrors are characterized by a sudden arousal from slow wave sleep with a piercing scream or cry, accompanied by autonomic (Controlled by the part of the nervous system that regulates motor functions of the heart, lungs, etc.) and behavioral manifestations of intense fear. Also known as Pavor Nocturnus, incubus, severe autonomic discharge, night terror.

    What are the symptoms of Sleep Terrors?

    • A sudden episode of intense terror during sleep
    • The episodes usually occur within the first third of the night
    • Partial or total amnesia occurs for the events during the episode.

    Associated features include:

    • Polysomnographic monitoring demonstrates the onset of episodes during stage 3 or 4 sleep
    • Tachycardia usually occurs in association with the episodes.
    • Other medical disorders are not the cause of the episode, e.g., epilepsy
    • Other sleep disorders can be present, e.g., nightmares.

    How serious are Sleep Terrors?

    Some people have episodes of sleep terror that may occur less than once per month, and do not result in harm to the patient or others. While some people experience episodes less than once per week, and do not result in harm to the patient or others. In its severest form, the episodes occur almost nightly, or are associated with physical injury to the patient or others. Consult a sleep specialist if you are concerned.

  • wednesday


    if you think you are being given a hard time here, I suggest you find my first couple of posts here on the DB , and then tell me what you think. now THAT that is a hard time.

    Now the funny thing is, since I have come to the board, (back in fall of 02) my life has really changed. I have stopped worrying about demons, ghosts etc and pretty much have stopped having these experiences. One thing I believe, you will see what you are conditioned to see. Example, I was conditioned to believe in demons, so that is what I saw. I know other credible people who believe in aliens. They would see my experiences as alien experiences, and might see your son's experience as the same. Others, those in the medical field, would see all this as evidence of several things, a neurological disorder, a mental disorder. (people can have shared psychosis), a drug problem, and on and on. Others may feel this is your guardian angel, or spirit guide who is trying to get into touch with you. A psychologist may feel he has had a traumatic event happen.

    I have had a few expeiences where more than one person was involved and we both saw the samething. 2-3 of them . One involved my husband, one a workmate, one a prespective employer. those I have no idea what really happened b/c I just don't have any explanation for them , other than it was a supernatural experiences.

    about the radio waves,etc, this has happened seveal times to us, and back then I was sure it was the demons playing tricks. later I found out that remote controls can do amazing things from long distances.

    if you take your son to the doc and tell him all this , I can almost assure you he will think you are all nuts and put your son and maybe you on some psych drugs. To avoid that, I'd take my son to the family docs, and just say he is having vivid dreams and all that. Don't talk about other stuff that has happend to you. . That way hopefully the doc will not put you son on those nasty psych drugs that will make him drool. he may want to do an EEG to rule out any kind of seizure activity. or maybe a sleep study. (those are very helpful)

    I don't know how long you have been away from jws, but don't discount the power of their influence.

    I am not saying something odd may not be happening or that possibly your house is haunted, but I sure would look for other explanations before I just accepted that. In my own case, I have come to see that most of my demon experiences were from other sources (most in my own head) But, I have had 3 or so experiences that don't fall into any category and am open to there being a spirit life. I also have dreams occ about loved ones regarding their health, I don't try and dream about it, it just happens.

    I hope you come to some conclusion that will help you feel settled. Esp your son, I hope he can be able to sleep without fearing the demons are going to attack him.


  • ButtLight
    I hope you come to some conclusion that will help you feel settled. Esp your son, I hope he can be able to sleep without fearing the demons are going to attack him.

    Unlike what has been said, I did tell my son it was probably a dream, a shadow, or clothes hanging in the closet! I didnt fill his head with anything else but that. He did sleep fine last night after our talk!

  • MsMcDucket
    Oh, I forgot to add my two cats to that list, the hiss and growl at things that arent there too! Think the doc has any kitty prozac? I know Im being a smart arse!

    Yes, Vets, do prescribe antidepressants for pets.

    Fluoxetine (Prozac ® )

    click here for drug information

    Fluoxetine is an antidepressant of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class. It is used to treat behavior problems including obsessive compulsive behavior such as constant licking in dogs and cats, and feather picking in birds. It is also used to treat aggression. It may take 1-4 weeks before you see an effect. It may cause aggression in some previously unaggressive animals. Contact your veterinarian if your pet experiences stomach upset, tiredness, anxiety, restlessness, panting, irritability, jaundice (yellowing of the gums, skin, or whites of the eyes), vomiting, or a persistent lack of appetite while being treated with fluoxetine.
    Click here for a more printer-friendly version of this article.

    Click here to email this article to a friend.

    Keep this and all other medications out of the reach of children and pets.

  • MsMcDucket

    A little bit about this site...

    After spending the last 15+ years of my life experiencing night terrors, I decided to find out more about this sleep disorder. I hope the following will help shed some light on the subject. The first thing I found was that this problem goes by a few different names. Sleep Terrors, Sleep Terror Disorder, Night Terrors, Pavor Nocturnus and then the mouthful DSM-IV AXIS I: 307.46 are just a few. This fact made it very difficult to do an internet search for more information. Another problem I ran into was that HSP (Hallucinatory sleep disorder) has some similarities to Night Terrors. I have included information about sleep paralysis to help you figure out which you may have.

    The purpose of this site is to help people understand that there are medical solutions and reasons for Night Terrors. You will not be preached to here or told that Satan caused your Night Terrors. Night Terrors are a medical ailment and not demon posession. (Contrary to what others may tell you.)

    Sleep labs across the United States and Canada have shown through sleep studies, that Night Terrors happen due to increased brain activity. The common thought among researchers is that a chemical trigger in the brain causes your brain to "misfire" and cause a Night Terror. These misfires can be caused by many factors such as stress and various other medical ailments. Please check out the Additional NT Info page to find out more.

  • ButtLight
  • Partial or total amnesia occurs for the events during the episode.
  • guess thats ruled out!

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Hm, thanks for the info on night terrors.

    I know that my almost 4 year old has experienced them and it's really scary for her and consoling her was really difficult.

    The thing is that while some of what buttlight could be explained by mundane means (as funky derek lovingly pointed out in regards to the battery thing) there are other things that she feels she has not found mundane answers to, and it doesn't sound like she is opposed to the answers that people might have.

    I think the idea is, I am personally interested in hearing other mundane causes for stuff going on. Other then telling her she has psychiatric problems? I am Not ruling that out (no offense Butt!) (hey if you come from my family, having psychiatric problems is just about normal ) by any means.

    I am really curious as to another explanation to some of the things she has experienced that do not patronize her or her family/friends and do not treat her like she is a certifiable patient.

    Funky derek:

    Serious question here- could you elaborate further on electromagnetic fields? Please, for my sake, dumb it down. I'm still trying to formulate a comment on another thread and my brain is starting to hurt.

    oh and



  • MsMcDucket

    Hey, I'm just trying to help. Parasomnia - This includes a number of disorders of arousal or disruptive sleep events including nightmares, sleepwalking, violent behavior while sleeping, and REM behaviour disorder, in which a person moves their body in response to events in their dreams.

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