Mr Kim, I think the question is more : Why dodge every questions by silly answers and not prove your so called facts ?
Did Jehovah destroy millions with a flood in Noah's day?
by fish 96 Replies latest watchtower scandals
RE Mr. Kim - LOL The response ought to be great on this last statement.
Well, gosh! Mr. Kim - I was really hoping for a little debate on my bad angel theory. The response was pretty good, in fact, but the ball just got sent over to your side of the net.
Oh well, maybe I'll lob one more over - what did all those poor animals do wrong? Did Noah just pick the "good" pairs? Were there Nethinim animal offspring as well? I would not put anything past those weirdo angles!
The PETA people would have a field day if they had access to this information!
p.s. - Welcome Fish! See what you started - are you having fun yet?
To Mr. Kim,
You live in a fantasy land...and since I am sure that you werent dumb enough to pay for the miseducation you recieved, if you recieved free, you should be willing to give free. So teach away! Or do you need the money to keep that business of yours afloat? After all, if you are spending so much time laughing at the other posters here, you probably arent spending as much time making money as you should be. We certainly know you arent spending time studying! So teach away, enlighten us!
Here is a question for you. You made the statement that a "big reason for the flood was to kill the Nephilim." Would you care to explain Numbers 13:33 then?
Here it is since you are probably too busy laughing to look it up. " 33 And there we saw the Neph´i·lim, the sons of A´nak, who are from the Neph´i·lim; so that we became in our own eyes like grasshoppers, and the same way we became in their eyes.”
Did God just fail miserably when he supposedly caused the flood, making it, and any subsequent punishments he hands out ultimately pointless and irrelevant?
Note: Genesis is the book of the bible that contains the story of the flood. Genesis comes BEFORE Numbers. I am only telling you this because you apparently learned all of the lies incorrectly.
Mr. Kim said: I know it is hard to believe but....Some of us have to work, even if we run a corporation.
Well thank god this doesn't apply to you eh? Judging by your posts, I'd say the only decision you have to make is whether you want the Disability office to send you a cheque in the mail, or have it direct-deposited into your account.
LMAOROFF: Give you more information? Really now, enough free stuff! Would be glad to teach. How much cash you got? (Can't wait to see the response to this)
Riiiiight......Like anyone here would pay you two cents to hear more of your insane and inept ramblings. But then again, seeing as you have no proof of anything you said above, your response is just about what I expected.
Mr Kim:
James Woods, Caedes, Mary, etc...
I know it is hard to believe but....Some of us have to work, even if we run a corporation. LMAOROFF: Give you more information? Really now, enough free stuff! Would be glad to teach. How much cash you got? (Can't wait to see the response to this) By your own admissions, the question should be, WHY WASTE TIME AND INFORMATION ON THOSE THAT DON'T DESERVE IT?
Interesting response. I'll try and keep this simple, as your reply indicates a certain level of immaturity. If you participate in a discussion or argument, and deliver statements, then be prepared to back those statements up. By sticking your fingers in your ears, shouting, 'THEIR DARKSIDED' just makes you look the fool. I'll also save you the time to type a response to me (running corporations can be quite time consuming) by preparing one on your behalf : "poo poo to you stevenyc". There, that should probably save your corporation another mil.
So far it seems that everyone here just views the account as a fable or myth. Is this the view that most on this site have? I assume the majority here are x-JWs? Do most x-JWs reject the bible or no longer view it as god's word? I've always believed the story of the Im wondering about it a little.
hi fish -
You do have to realize that a lot of us do some pretty open and lively debate here. Sometimes posters even take up viewpoints which may not be their own personal hard-held belief systems.
I would hazard a guess, having been in a couple of flood threads already, that what you would probably find here are: (roughly, and IMHO):
35-40% - skeptical of a literal world wide flood but could accept a legend born of localized events.
35-40% - view such things as myth the same as Zeuss or Apollo and have moved beyond literal views in matters of faith.
Remainder - there are a minority who are true believers and would be looking for the remains of the ark if they could.
Of course, "Your mileage may differ..."
Myself, I kind of go with the localized Black Sea flood legend and view it as religious literature but not science. (too many physical and biological problems here for me to go literal).
Most of respect each other enough to be able to debate it without too much rancor. Notice I said most!
As noted, you sure did make one heck of an entrance with this one! Welcome again,
Interesting. So you estimate around 20% of those on this site or 2 of every 10 still have faith in the bible as god's word? I've read quite a lot of the threads here and it sure doesnt seem that too many have much of a belief in god at all.
I must admit that although Im having some doubts about my faith I just cant believe that the bible is not what it claims to be, god's inspired word.
Did Jehovah destroy millions with a flood in Noah's day? To keep it simple: Yes, all flesh was destroyed (for many reasons). Mankind, simply because they failed to get their act together, because of sin, and because none wished to repent and change their ways, etc... Another big reason for this destruction was to kill the Nephilim which were the offspring of Angels breeding with human women. Jehovah forbids many of the angels that took human form from leaving this state and these specific angels also died in the so-called flood.
Is it just me, or does the cult-of-the-war-god-Jehovah, make Satan look like some little girls fairy godmother?