Did Jehovah destroy millions with a flood in Noah's day?

by fish 96 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • stevenyc

    Mr Kim:

    Your name says it all. You are wrong. Go back to school, sit down with a true expert with the Dr. of Science degree including lots of field experience. Guess what? Your wrong!

    More HD space is wasted on Nimrods such as yourself. Have fun!

    LOL, Pure GENIUS !!! Its like watching the Colbert Report on comedy central. You had me going for a bit. I really thought you were just another stubborn "all bible words are real" person who can count fossils on the peeks of mountains, and not consider how many organisms, under incredible pressure it takes to compress into millions and millions of gallons of oil? Or, one who believes that, after the flood, a bunch of fosters drinking marsupials decided to snub the mammals and head off to OZ on their own.

    You are a funny person.

    Also, just a thought, if the bible rendition were true then..

    God admits to making a mistake, killed animals and destroyed the Earth.

    Noah was to collect every kind of animal, that task would take a man, walking across the globe, a milennia.

    Noah had to collect EVERY KIND OF FOOD !!!!! Must have been a bitch trying to find the truffles.

    They spent an entire year in that box, with no open windows or doors. No sanitation. NO WATER! It only rained for forty days. They were in there for a year.

    Then, after the flood, and the covenant was set between God and Noah, because Noah was so good. What was the first thing Noad did. GET DRUNK! When his youngest son busted him Noah repented. Oh, wait.... NO HE DIDN'T he cursed his son. The son who is supposed to have founded Caanan.

    Remember Caanan. This was the land that Joshua raided and slaughtered. Coincidence?


  • Boxed elder bugs
    Boxed elder bugs

    Really how likely would you be to believe it if somebody came around and said there is going to be some kind of worldwide catastrophe which you have never seen before but you better follow me or you'll die. I think most people in any age would be skeptical.

    Woudn't it have been better for God to have appeared in the sky and told the world listen to Noah and follow him or your all going to die, then I think Noah would have had plenty of believers join him on the ark.

    This idea of faith in things unseen troubles me because people are more likely to be misled by following somebody based on faith and arrive in a place like Jonestown as they are to get it right and make it to the ark.

  • slacker911

    "Really how likely would you be to believe it if somebody came around and said there is going to be some kind of worldwide catastrophe which you have never seen before but you better follow me or you'll die; I think most people in any age would be skeptical."

    I am kind of amazed that you could say that and still be familiar with the witnesses. That is the entire point of their door to door ministry...and it clearly works. See the publisher increases from 1968 to 1975 for example...

  • Boxed elder bugs
    Boxed elder bugs

    Yes Slacker but the minority of people that followed the Witnesses from 1968 to1975 turned out to be wrong, the majority of people who were skeptical and didn't listen when the witnesses called on them were right, unlike the majority who didn't listen to Noah.

  • Mary
    Mr. Kim said:

    That's right, he said absolutely nothing in response to my last post. That's about what I expected from a troll-like dweeb like him. Oh wait a minute, maybe he's just too busy running his corporation to be able to come up with an intelligent response.

    Mr. Kim, just keep on posting your insane ramblings. It's not just people on this board that can see them, but anyone, anywhere it the world can and you're just proving to them what the mentality of Witnesses are really like.

  • Hellrider


    Wheres is the ARK?? It was big enough. The mountains of Ararat are cold enough so it should have been preserved. As yet there is no news footage taken of the ARK.

    Ha ha, that reminds me of another JW-legend I was told: Yes, according to the JW-urban-legend, the ARK is still up there on mount Ararat. But "Jehovah" is keeping it from being discovered by scientists by "enclosing" the area of where the ark is, in constant bad weather! Yes, there is constant snow-storms on mount Ararat, and whenever some mountain climbers/scientists have gotten close, they have had to turn around and go back due to the stormy weather. But some people have had a glimpse of it from afar, so "we know it`s up there", lol. This is what my mom and grandma told me. And in my childly imagination, I could vividly imagine some tough mountain climber/scientist fighting his way thru the snow storm, just catching a glimpse of the ARK before the snow storm literally threw him down the mountain again. I wouldn`t be the least surprised if this was in some age-old Watchtower-mag in the 60s or something. Many of the JW-legends has a "scriptural" (as in...WT/Awake-"scriptural"...) basis.

    Anyone else heard this legend too?

  • james_woods

    The ARK:

    Everybody knows that Harrison Ford found it, but when the Nazis looked at it, they just melted down into radioactive butter.

    Mr. Kim - I have some thoughts to share, but I really have to get back to work now.

    Good work, slacker - if you are really such a lazy slacker, how can you afford a 911?

    O crumbs - you meant that other Ark, and that other 911?


  • fish

    Well, I just dont know what to think. I really believe the bible is God's inspired word. It seems no one here does anymore. Either God is going to destroy billions at Armageddon like he did in Noah's day ...OR...the flood was just a myth, a legend. But the bible doesnt present it as such. It presents it as an actual event. Not just in Genesis, but elsewhere it is referred to such as the geneology records in 1 Chronicles. In Luke Jesus' lineage is traced all the way to Noah and then to Adam. Noah's example is included right along with other faithful ones in Hebrews. For someone to say they believe in the bible but that the account of Noah's flood is only a legend is ludricous in my opinion. So that still leaves me with the question of how God can justify killing millions of people. Will he really do that?

    I know other religions say most people will go to heaven when they die. Or that there's good in all religion and that God accepts whatever religion we choose. But the great majority of them believe in hell. I can swallow the thought of God destroying people MUCH easier than the thought that he will torture people forever.

    I dont know what to think anymore. I was hoping for a little more insight than what I've read here so far.

  • PoppyR

    Personally this was one bible myth that caused me to not believe, if God is supposedly love, then how and why would he kill all living things SLOWLY and torturously, including babies, toddlers, animals.. can you imagine animals madly swimming and slowly going under, for what reason???

    I tried to present this fact to a witness who said to me (and I quote) "how can you say that, for all we know Jehovah put the animals to sleep first"


    If God did this, then he does not love mankind, couldn't give a toss about the odd sparrow as the bible would have you believe and is basically cruel, malicious and a dictator.

    Personally I am one of the ex JWs who now does NOT believe in this bible account, not sure if I believe anything else in the bible, or even in God anymore. All I do know, is if it was true, this is not a god I love and want to worship.

    Incidentally why do we waste so much time on this board responding to Trolls who are just trying to get a response? Well.. I personally think they produce some of the best threads, because in producing responses we have here some brilliant, well thought out evidence and I for one have to say thanks to Mr Kim for being such an idiot, I didn't read most of his posts, but the replies.. excellent.


  • james_woods

    I (for one am so glad fish has been watching and thinking about this thread.

    Here is a "what if" -

    What if the flood mythology is just that - a sort of written morality play which makes us think about God's motives and actions. What if it actually makes us wonder if "God of the Old Testament" is portrayed as behaving in a way in which a modern day christian would?

    This is why the whole armaggedon murder scenario is repugnant to many exJWs. I know when I was "in" I felt a creepy sort of horror at the off-hand way they thought that everybody in, say, communist China was going to get burned up because they were not witnesses.

    Yes, I know - they had a bunch of excuses why Jehovah was righteous in killing more people than Hitler and Stalin combined, but just like our friend fish, it still makes you wonder.

    For that reason, I am happy to have the story of the flood to think about. I for one would not even drown my neighbors pit bull terrier for barking all night or crapping in my front yard. Let alone everything on earth.

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