by RichieRich 324 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    "Brothers, have any of you seen the invisble - I mean SECRET book?"

    I think a Norwegian bloke once started a rumour about a secret Elders car manual or was that a Hitler diary?

    Shepherding his flock, unc.

    Do you guys really think these clueless braindead pieces of shit might be reading this? Cool.

  • blondie

    yb78 p. 22 1978 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses ***

    . A new textbook, "Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock," has been prepared. Following the course, each elder is permitted to retain his copy for future benefit in caring for his responsibilities as an overseer.

    *** w94 1/15 p. 17 Shepherds and Sheep in a Theocracy ***

    Among such publications is the book "Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock," which contains Scriptural guidelines and is provided for appointed congregation overseers, or elders.

    *** dx86-04 Watch Tower Publications ***1991, "Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock" (book): jv 232

    I knew there was an elder's manual but was told that there was nothing in it that wasn't in the publications..........not exactly. I never saw what was in it until I starting going on the Internet.

    That was true about the pioneers book though. Well, Richie, I would never meet with the elders. I would post my letter in the local paper after sending it to all my "friends." No pearls before swine. Love, Blondie

  • kid-A

    Damn Richie,

    The day has arrived. I've been following your story for a long time. You will come out of this even stronger than before. Good luck dude, if anyone can handle this, its you.

  • Odrade

    Good luck to you Richie. I've been thinking about you, and keeping my husband updated on your stories. Brass balls, man, Brass balls.

  • Elsewhere

    Perhaps we can take up a collection and get Richie one of these:


  • sass_my_frass
    I'll meet with them sometime after I'm 18 I hope, and then right before they DF me, I'll hand them the letter.

    FYI, although you probably remember; right before they disfellowship you is when they ask you to leave the room so they can discuss what they're going to do. That would be the moment to give them the letter, and not go back in to hear their decision. You know what it will be, and that's the point that the whole game goes from awful to truly awful anyway. Don't play the game; just let them do their little thing and don't return to the room.

    I'm so concerned for you; I know you're made of very stern stuff but this is (hopefully) one of the worst things you'll ever go through. I know you have so much that you want to say, but one day you'll realise that none of it is important compared to things such as, say, your mum. The way you treat her during this is going to affect your relationship for the rest of your lives. Show her respect as you deny her faith, and she might understand that you're doing so out of knowledge instead of rebellion.

    We all want to do anything we can to help you through this. The support of strangers doesn't replace a mum, but hundreds of distant aunts and uncles have got your back. This will soon be over, and you'll be able to start living the real life of Rich.

  • Beep,Beep

    ""I predict that the elders, under the direction of the Watcthower, will be demanding that Richie return the "flock" book.""

    Any reason why they shouldn't ? It's STOLEN property isn't it? Richie has even bragged that he took it didn't he? Theft is theft. It's amazing how you all condone this kind of action

  • luna2

    Elsewhere... nice thought, but those things are kinda scary. LOL

  • Elsewhere
    Any reason why they shouldn't ? It's STOLEN property isn't it? Richie has even bragged that he took it didn't he? Theft is theft. It's amazing how you all condone this kind of action

    Don't be silly... thost pics he posted were fakes that he made using Photoshop. Photoshop and digital imaging is after all the field he is studying.

  • seven006


    They stole a lot of peoples child hood and families. Fuck’em.

    I doubt Richie will serve any time for taking a book. The more they make of it, the more its contents will make people curious and the information made public. The watchtower is telling the elders to destroy evidence of a child molester so they can fill their elder ranks. I think that is one hell of a lot more serious crime then taking a book. Show me a law that says you cannot take a book out of a church that may encourage the crime of child molestation. It’s not the damn ark of the covenant for Christ sakes.

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