Atheists Worst Nightmare!

by SickofLies 75 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Elsewhere
    5. Law of Cause and Effect:

    The Law of Cause and Effect is one of the best documented principles of science and of everyday experience. Every event must have a sufficient cause. Since the origin of the universe and the origin of life are events, they too must have a cause. The physical universe consisting of time, space, energy, and matter must all have a cause outside themselves. Likewise, life must have a living Cause. Following this reasoning to its logical conclusion, leads to an infinite, eternal, powerful, intelligent, living First Cause--our awesome Creator!

    Sure, but who created the creator?

  • gold_morning


    He was always in existence and He is the one who created space, time, and matter. This means that God is the cause and is the creator.
    "But who created God?" He is not created; He is eternal. He is the One who brought time, space, and matter into existence

    psalm 90:2 "before the mountains were born.........or you brought forth the earth and the world................from everlasting to everlasing you are God"

    Here we go with faith again!!!!!

    So....who made the first living cell.. with DNA..ect..ect..ect... in evolution?


  • itsallgoodnow

    Holy crap! How did this thread get so serious?

    Back to the banana and the sexual innuendos....

    Loved it. Something tells me that was an inside joke between the two of them. There was a little something going on there. I think maybe KC squirt his sweet banana banana juices in a certain Aussie's (?) face before that take. Ah, Christianity. Ain't it grand.

  • SickofLies

    I have no issue with those who chose to believe in God, I do not agree however, that belief in God means that you cannot believe in evolution.

  • toreador

    Unless you believe God used evolution to create.

  • mdb

    Mockery won't make the truth about an intelligent creator go away. Watch from the 4:36 mark about the intricate design of the human eye.

    Ignorance. It's no excuse.

    You were created by an intelligent God, not evolved from a pile of sludge.

  • SickofLies
  • kid-A

    "You were created by an intelligent God"

    Lets put it this way MDB, if god was responsible for what you see around you, I guess he was'nt too bright a designer given the infinite flaws and poor design elements in the human body.

    The human eye is susceptible to thousands of different diseases, deformities etc. And in reality, does not even function particularly well. We cant see at night as some of our evolutionary counterparts can. The majority of humans have eyeballs ill-fitted to the orbital socket leading to myopia, hyperopia etc. Macular degeneration is extremely common as is glaucoma. If your god is so intelligent, perhaps you can thank him on behalf of us atheist evolutionists for the following list of "Intelligent Creation" :

    Cancer, leukemia, schizophrenia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, Huntingtons disease, Parkinson's Disease, Down Syndrome, Rhett Syndrome, Heart disease, Liver disease, Kidney disease, ALS, alzheimers, tuberculosis, polio, cerebral palsey, etc etc etc......

    I could go on and on MDB, but I am certain your answer will be "Satan is responsible for all this!!! burn in hell ye godless atheist evolutionist!!! LOL

  • mdb

    The video is a lot of speclation and belief - that's what evolution is. "Could be this, might be that". Oh, all evolution had to do is stick a lense in there. How'd that happen?

    Actually, sin brought death and decay into the world. That's our doing. Cancer, diabetes, etc are a result of the wonderful things man has made and done which destroy the planet, our health, and make animals and plants extinct. We're the cause and we reap what we sow. Yes, in the OT accounts God did pour out pestilence and famine on the nations. It was because of their sin and God does not take joy in doing it, but He is a righteous God and judge. Our actions have a consequence.

    Is Satan responsible? No, Satan is not fully responsible. He tempts, we choose. Men have to take responsibility for their actions.

    As for you going to hell along with the other unbelieving atheist evolutionists... it will be your condemnation unless you believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him, but I certainly don't hope you go there. I really don't.

  • gold_morning

    The value, that is worth so much to God, is " freedom" . God could have said to Satan, "Hit the road" and God could have used His soverignty that way.....but God gave Satan "freedom" to do what was good/evil. Just as He gave man the "freedom" to do what was good/evil. If God is willing to let evil exist for the sake of freedom, then freedom has to be one of the greatest values to God. When God made Adam and Eve He also gave them freedom to do evil as well as good.... by allowing choice.

    Freedom, is really the basic source of all evil, and yet, it is the most treasured value of God and man. God realized that in having the "freedom" of choice there would be the choice of evil. Since God created everything, and said it is very good, even Satan was made good. God created no creatures that were evil. If God had made Satan evil then God would be responsible for the evil in the universe, but God made everything good.

    How then could evil get started in a good universe where all creatures and all things were good? It came in by way of God's greatest gift to His highest creatures. It was by means of the gift of freedom.

    God could have prevented evil very simply by withholding the gift of freedom. God had the choice of making a world where no evil could exist.....but He didn't do it. In order to have a world with no evil he would have had to forfiet free choice...or freedom. We then would have been like the computerized world in Matrix.

    It means everything to God to have free willed beings to relate to....and to receive love by them out of "free" choice. He made us not machines, but real persons who are able to fellowship with Him. Our love and obedience is priceless, because we freely give it and not because of the automatic response due to robot like programing.

    The cost of freedom is evil. For freedom to be real there must be allowance for choice. There is no way to have freedom and avoid the possibility of evil choices. What is evil? Since God is the creator of all, and God is good, evil is any use of freedom which is contrary to God's will, and what He would have His creatures choose God wills that you have the freedom to choose good or evil things, but He does not will/force that you make that choice. Who then is really responsible for the evil? Isn't it the one making the choice? Wasn't it satan that "chose" to be evil? That is why God's plan of redemption through Jesus was put into place before the foundings of the earth. He for-knew that freedom would bring sin. The consequence/ penalty of death for choosing things contrary to God's will ....never needs to be proved again. gold

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