Windowless Buildings

by IHaveASavior 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • IHaveASavior

    Why are there no windows in the buildings known as "Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses?

  • sir82

    Windows are pagan!

  • IHaveASavior

    Can you please elaborate on the Pagan nature of windows? I perceive this notion to be a veiled attempt at "hiding" something. Would not eyes be considered Pagan since they are considered the "windows" to the soul in many circles? BTW, another JW answered this query, "That the KH was trying to protect its electronic equipment from "undesireable" types. How do you respond to that?

  • sir82

    Well, you see, most windows have 4 panes of glass, right? And what is the support structure for those 4 panes? A cross! And we all know crosses were used by pagans, so therefore....

    I'm just pulling your chain.

    I think the reason is mostly economic. It is easier to heat and cool a windowless building. Plus there is less opportunity for vandals to cause damage.

    Most new Kingdom Halls come from a set of pre-approved "quick-build" designs. Those designs lack windows, so the majority of the Kingdom Halls you see are windowless.

  • under_believer

    Some KH's have windows. I have gone to several in my time and at least two had windows. However, both of those had been standing for at least 30 years and predated the factory-style quickbuild designs.
    My understanding about leaving windows out was that it had something to do with worry about vandalism. It's easier to firebomb a building with windows. Or just break the windows, for that matter.

  • carla

    I've heard the following for no windows- cost, windows are expensive, the elders don't want people day dreaming, it is easier to vandalize with windows, that's just how kh's are built, they want to be different from churches.

  • looking_glass

    Not all halls are w/o windows. It depends on who the architect was and when they were constructed. My grandfather helped build the hall I grew up in. According to him the Hall was so very plain because they do not want to be considered ornate like churches or synagogues.

  • blondie

    I take it you don't travel much...many KHs have windows, there are 12 in this area, 6 with and 6 is a cost and insurance issue in some cases. It is not a "religious" decision.


  • Finally-Free

    Some halls here have windows, others don't. I don't see what the big deal is. Most churches or offices either don't have windows, or they cover them.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Not all the kh's around here have windows, but some do, it's probably half and half. As for why the newer ones are often built without windows, I would think cost - cutting would be the main reason, along with fear of vandalism.

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