Windowless Buildings

by IHaveASavior 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Highlander

    I was a JW and I'm sure my family still considers me to be one. I'm what you call a 'fader' I live 2000 miles away from my 100 or more JW relatives thereby allowing me to fade away.

    I'm not worried about any type of damnation. I'm happy to be away from this controlling JW atmosphere which considers peddling magazines to be the only 'good' you can do in your life

    and that all other charitable works and actions are that of the devil. I'm now able to live a somewhat normal life and be more productive away from the J-dubs.

  • sir82

    Never thought it possible that someone would be able to blow thru their 75 post-per-day limit on a thread talking about why Kingdom Halls don't have windows!

  • IHaveASavior

    Oh, and BTW, I do believe that unless it is God inspired and verifiable as such, it is a tool of the enemy of our soul.

  • Highlander

    Actually it would be kinda cool to actually post 75 times. Typically I average only about 2 posts per day. I'm just trying to break my personal best.

  • IHaveASavior

    And I thought my ex-girlfriend was already the shallowest individual to walk the planet. According to that statement she can get lower still by becoming a JW. Remarkable.

  • IHaveASavior

    So, I've "Blown thru" almost all of my seventy five post limit in one day (BTW, it was only 22) and have learned that of the multitude of KH's visited, only about 10-12 had windows (maybe, but they were up high). I have been presented with a photo of the Crystal Cathedral (with lots of light I must say) and learned that many on this site are recovering JW's who have escaped from the grasp of the "organization". Not a bad way to kill a rainy afternoon.

    Highlander, try getting off the computer, go outside and get dirty. In dirt that is.

  • Beep,Beep

    ""Since ;cost savings and budgeting does not make for good argument with a person with over thirty years of construction experience what would be the reasoning of the elders to advocate windowless buildings?""

    Speed of construction. There isn't any need to frame out window openings. Having framed both types of walls, windowless is MUCH faster.

    Vandalism is high on the list. One hall not to far away has had to replace windows twice in the last year and a half. Insurance companies don't like to pay repeatedly.

    Please note, I believe Ohio REQUIRES windows by code.

  • kilroy2

    The way it was explained to me is that it is for security purposes. the KH's with windows are usually older then 20 years. when they let the people at the halls do the design. now a congergation is given only a couple of options [prints] from the org. they are with out windows as it is much harder to B&E with out windows. Windows are the weakest link in the chain. but it is also a conform tactic, I saw one congergation build a watch tower to mimic the one on the old mag. They were told to take it down. now you can pick a design based on the size of your cong. from the socitys plans. like ford cars in the 30's henry said you can have any color you want as long as it is black.

  • supersab

    I remember when I was a kid in Chicago, going to the meetings at a rented hall on the second floor of a community center and it was right next to an EL train track. No air conditioner and in the summer they had to have all the windows wide open, no screens, and the EL would go by every now and then. It provided some distraction though.

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