Greetings to all:
:I welcome those of your quality of character and refusal to sink into the mire of atheism or deep cynicism,
I found these words to be so interesting. I have seen posts (albeit few) that discuss the bible and whether or not it is of God. I have seen assertions made that the bible portrays God as a homicidal maniac and these assertions are almost always backed up with scriptures. I have never, I repeat NEVER, seen one credible attempt to discredit these assertions. Back when I was one who thought the bible was God's word (as in before I read it, after all I was Catholic)) I always hoped that someone who knew more than me would step up and prove how wrong those who had sunk into the Mire of Atheism were.
I am sure I don't need to tell you that it never happened. I investigated for myself and found that indeed They (those wretched atheists) were right, we (the righteous believers) were wrong. Mind you I reached this realization after serious contemplation and brutal honesty. It pained me greatly. Religion had never been anything but a source of comfort to me (mind you I never joined the WT-cult).
To see some Good Christian up here pounding his chest and announcing that some are above the Mire of Atheism makes me want to demand answers and explanations. How can anyone reconcile the horrors in the bible with an all-loving, all-knowing God?
My main point here is that many who believe the bible to be a man-made book of terrible tales reached that point after honest consideration of the material. As I have never seen credible explanations excusing the brutality and contradictions it leads me to believe that all our Good Chritian posters turn a blind eye to the ugliness and/or dismiss it as a "mystery" or some such nonsense. I guess they've got balls like churchbells when it comes to criticizing those who don't believe as they do but they are all veritable eunichs when it comes to proving their beliefs are based on sound reasoning.
Marvelling at those who are stuck in the Mire of Christianity--
Julie, who is sure she'll get no satisfactory explanations THIS time either