Hi Borgfree--
:I have arrived at some conclusions and have remained Christian. I do not know why God ordered the killing of men, women and children, including infants. I have been taught reasons 'why' some of those reasons make sense to me, some not so much sense.
I don't have a problem with this. If you are OK with worshipping a God who's into genocide that's your thing. All I ask is for believers to understand how some people might think such behavior very un-Godlike and hardly worthy of worship. I have a serious problem with Christians who think themselves more superior/righteous than someone who thinks God wouldn't condone/commit such horrible atrocities.
:I could repeat my statements above about a lot of 'why did God' do this or that. As humans we are faced with some realities. If God exists, we can question all we want, we can accuse Him all we want, etc. But if He exists then what? Do we say, 'ok God I will not believe in you, I will believe that you do not exist!' Does that change the outcome? Wouldn't that way of thinking just punish ourselves.
I suppose I could trun the question around. What if God does not exist? Look at the resources wasted, for what? Who profits? And if God does exist and it turned out to be the God of the bible I would have plenty to say before I left the presence of such a hateful being.
:For my reasons, by research, and much bible reading I believe in the God of the bible. I believe that I cannot understand some things that He does, but I believe He has asked us to have faith for a few short years of our life and be obedient to Him and He will give us an eternity of blessings we cannot even imagine.
Ah, the Hook, Eternal Life. I understand how this is such a desirable concept. During a recent discussion with a believing friend of mine, after all arguments were exhausted she finally shared her very child-like, but essential, reason for believing, "I can't stand the idea of my grandma not being in heaven."
I appreciate your honesty on this issue Borgfree, I respect your views and wish we could all somehow be more respectful toward views different than our own.
Seeker, you rock. Thanks for your input.
I appreciate reading everyone's thoughts on the matter. I was truly hoping that some of the believers here who seem to have reached rather lofty heights in their righteousness would reply. I guess they actually don't have a whole lot to say afterall.
Take care all--