Extra training ... so you know that shooting babies is WRONG ?!?

by Simon 146 Replies latest social current

  • just2sheep


    never try to use questionable statistics to try prove a questionable premise. because what your little list shows me is that ireland with a population of 4 million is as corrupt as a country of 296 million. (2.5=2.5 not 2.5<2.5) that the united kingdom a country with a population of 5 million people is half as corrupt as a country almost 6 times its size. and that luxemburg with a total of 80,000 people is as corrupt as the u.k. and the u.s. is less corrupt than all but 14 other countries. well whoop de do. as i said they are all corrupt.

    " ...stand up and accept your counties blame, i do" fair enough, since you accept americas blame, i accept the netherlands blame. are we even now?

    it wasn't america that invaded palestine and it wasn't a happy little arab that set off the latest bomb in jeruselum.

    so you would rather continue killing a few at a time in order to drag it out and continue your little fantasy of moral superiority? how many is enough? one, one hundred, one thousand, one million, one billion at a time. hell, i say let's all find out what is on the other side. you find this ludicrous? i find your attitude cowardly, because the only life you are concerned with is your own. not the children, not the women, and certainly not the men who not one poster has mentioned, who were killed in this incident. if we all go you have to go too don't you?

    why would god protect you from anyone...he didn't protect the people this thread started out about did he? which god were you asking? do you feel protected now?

    jehovah protect me from little men with their watchtower education and their watchtower attitude.

  • glitter

    Um, I think you're referring to my post, and if you are, thank you for calling me an idiot, very kind of you.

    Sorry, it's just that I read that "reasoning" over and over again. No I don't imagine that anything like a majority of Americans believe in the war either now or from the beginning. I'm sure we agree that "My country allegedly x but your country did y and z!" is tiresome and nonsensical. :)

  • glitter

    By the way, just because Bush is a bloodthirsty idiot, doesn't mean the all of the American people support him; we aren't sheep.

    I didn't say Americans were. Just that the British aren't.

    Incidentally, and more OT - I read an article online *somewhere* last week that it's like *80%* of troops polled in Iraq that think Saddam was behind 9/11... incredible, and incredibly sad.

    Do any of you Brits realize how many people did NOT vote for Bush?

    Sadly not 51%... ;)

  • Gregor


    The 'you sound angry' comment was intended as a little dry wit. I have had this comment pulled on me before and it is such an obvious ploy to put the other person on the defensive I think it is kind of funny. Sorry

    As far as America being all fucked up and not helping anybody else in WWII and being bloodthirsty and corrupt and so on, I've said my piece on this thread that has become a circle jerk for people that don't like Bush or America. Have fun with each other.

  • AlanF

    Simon said:

    : I dislike the American administration and all those who support it or try to excuse it's criminal and inhuman actions.

    I completely agree.

    : However ashamed I am of my own government, at least I don't have yours.

    True. You have one that historically has committed major atrocities all over the world. The sun once never set on the British empire, and that empire was built on the blood of the conquered. No government is free from blame in these things. I have no doubt that if the Empire still existed, similar atrocities would still be committed.

    : And that's what galls you doesn't it AlanF et al - YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT AND YOU HAVE NO ANSWER

    Yes, yes, Simon, we all know you're right that it's wrong to kill or eat babies.

    But that wasn't the point of my post. I welcome the day when the Bush administration is called to account for its criminal actions, and I highly resent your ridiculous hyperbole that suggests that all Americans support those criminals.


  • Gill

    Alan F - I can accept that all Americans like all British do not support their governments when it comes to this war. Millions protested against the war in this country just as in the US. And, to their eternal shame, both governments ignored their people.

    The problem is, we have to wait for the right time to bring down these governments in a democratic fashion. In the US, Bush was VOTED BACK INTO OFFICE!!! In the UK Blair was VOTED BACK INTO OFFICE! I would never vote for Blair again. I said 'no' to the war and they went anyway. My little voice will always say no, but I have to wait till more little voices say NO!

    Could be that these two leaders will never be legally brought to account for the mayhem and slaughter they have caused, but history WILL condemn them as fools fighting a fools war!

    We know you're not all bad, and you know that we're not all bad. But the leaders that represent us.....total nut jobs!

    If Bill Clinton had been kept in power or Al Gore, perhaps this would never have happened!

    Bill Clinton was definitely a 'Make Love not War, man!'

  • glitter

    I would never vote for Blair again.

    Don't worry, unless you're in Sedgefield you never have. :D

    Bill Clinton couldn't have been kept in power because he'd already served 2 terms. He bombed the heck out of Iraq too during his time, one time was Christmas 1998 when Monica Lewinsky was in the news IIRC - what a fantastic coincidence.

  • RubaDub

    Mr. Simon

    Thank you for this site and everything associated with it ........ HOWEVER .....

    Please don't lump "Americans" together.

    Even those here in the Borg have negative feelings about Bush.

    He has a popularity now at less than 35%. Only two more years of him!!!!

    Rub a Du

  • Simon
    I highly resent your ridiculous hyperbole that suggests that all Americans support those criminals.

    Really? Wow ... I'd be really interested to see where I have said that.

  • cruzanheart

    America and Bush is breeding the terrorists of tomorrow just as today we suffer the terrorists they created 20+ years ago.

    I'm American.


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