Kinda like when you get drunk and get sick and swear you won't drink again.....then when you feel good your ready to party again.
Well, I've only gotten drunk and sick one time. That was enough for me.
Feeling good and different IS addictive Robyn.....but the grass has no addictive ingredience I'm aware of. Perhaps all you need to do is get used to feeling as you do now and that takes time as any change does. If you can do it once in weekends( fri - sat ), then leave it alone till next weekend, that might work eh?
Gumby, you may have a point. Feeling good and different is addictive. Except I was no longer feeling good. And it took more and more to get to the "high" point. My short term memory was shot and I had stopped dreaming (Of course, now the dreams are back and many of them are nightmares about my ex husband). I know that the "experts" say that pot isn't addictive but I can't help but wonder about it.
Time to let the weed go. This means on the weekends too. But thank you for your concern and your suggestion.
Sweet dreams, dear one.