ask anyone's who's developed a serious drink habit and they will often quote around 2 year recovery period, not 12 hours.
A two year recovery period seems it would make one an alcoholic. Alcoholics will always be alcoholics even if they are dry. It never goes away . The two year recovery period can be a nightmare for many.
With weed there is no physical symptoms as this and one is not always a stoner even if they are not using it. Also with weed, a daily user may oneday decide he doesn't like it anymore and ceases to use it....I've known many that say..."they just don't like it anymore"....however a daily user of booze in vast quanities over a period of say 10 years doesn't usually just quit.......without some serious side effects and their reasons for quiting are 90% of the time for a different reason than a pothead. Usually a drinker quits because of the problems it has caused them and a pot head.....just don't like it anymore.
This isn't to say those who quit weed didn't do so because of problems. It could be they have kids now or their job doesn't allow for it, or they now seem to get paranoid and it didn't used to affect them that way.
Gumby.....who's thankful he's never had a drinking problem and feels for those who do as it's a rough road.