"You have a week to Move out" PLEASE HELP! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!

by stillAwitness 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    That's a good point. My father tried to convince me that I couldn't survive on my own and that I needed him to live my life. When he refused to drive me to my gf's place, I walked. When he refused to drive me to my shows, I took a cab. I was proving to him that I didn't need him, and he hated it. He hated it so much that he wouldn't let me take some things with me just to prove that he DID have control over me. I didn't care and left anyway.

  • LDH
    I agree with LDH, your parents have kept you sheltered and have conditioned you to be afraid of everything in the world for a very good reason. It helps them to maintain control over you and allows them to pressure you to conform to JW beliefs or else face the consequences of having them throw you out into that very cold, unsafe world they have taught you to be afraid of.

    CD really put this in easy to understand terms. This is what my parents and thousands of others who want their children to 'survive armegeddon' did (and do) to them.

    You should not let fear rule your life.


  • Es

    Big hugs,

    I have been in your position except i had a night to move out. So i did, and then caught the bus for an 9 hour drive to Adelaide where my b\f lived. Yeah it was scary but the best decision i ever made. It will be hard but you will be such a stronger -person as a result.

    Hope all goes well


  • SPAZnik

    Since "every man can be found a liar" I guess they have to kick themselves out of their house too. :P

  • Mysterious

    Move in with your boyfriend and start working on breaking free of the JWs. Unless your parents ask for the car back, don't bring it up. When does the insurance expire? Start looking for work around his place, if you find something then you will be all set. If not keep the car/job as long as you can. But for sure it's time to move out on your own and start breaking free of the organization.

  • LDH

    Well Stilla it's been two days and I'm interested to know what progress you have made.


  • LDH

    Ldh makes a darn good mother. Ldh, would you have my kids?


    We can have all the kids you can give birth to! I'm done being pregnant. I hate it! (Did I mention I hate it?)

    LDH LOL not much gets past you

    Wednesday, why thank you.




    Get out. Get out before your life passes you by, and you wonder what happened.

    I was in the same position you are in, and I chose to stay in. This is the biggest regret I have in my life.

  • minimus

    StillA, If I were you, I'd sneak into some Circuit Overseer's files and see what a letter will tell you to do. You poor thing....your parents sound like bad bad mommies and daddies. While you're doing runway, you should try to figure out how you can live with your boyfriend. Just don't lie to your parents at the bookstudy or else they'll threaten you again. And keep typing away on the board at 3:45 a.m. while your mom and daddy are fast asleep. You must be scared to death.

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