Seventeen is much too young to be tossed out on the street by your parents, whether you are a male or a female. However, at 22 years old, you are an adult. You do come across as young and dependent for your age, which is why some people give you a bit of a hard time. However, I agree with LDH, your parents have kept you sheltered and have conditioned you to be afraid of everything in the world for a very good reason. It helps them to maintain control over you and allows them to pressure you to conform to JW beliefs or else face the consequences of having them throw you out into that very cold, unsafe world they have taught you to be afraid of.
Look at all you have accomplished already in your short life. You have graduated. You have a job. You can drive. You have what seems to be a nice boyfriend. You have the courage to post on an apostate forum. You are doing a lot better than many, many lost young people your age. Yet, you have been so conditioned by fear, that you cannot see all these positive things you have accomplished and allow them to make you feel confident about your survival skills. Most of the obstacles you throw up in your own way are imagined and could happen to you if you stay home. (Being raped for example) This type of thinking only keeps you stagnant.
In my opinion, it is very unfair for your parents to give you only a week to move out. I'm positive it is also illegal to give anyone less than a months notice from the first of the month. This includes your own children. They absolutely have no legal way to enforce this. The first thing I would do is calmly tell them you will accept 30 days notice to move from the the 1st day of July (or whatever the law is in your state). You need that time to find a place, save for a deposit, and arrange for movers. If they are so cold and so cruel as to put you and your things out on the street before this time, then you will only have 3 options. Contact the police and ask them to direct you to a shelter, move in temporarily with any friend, or with your boyfriend.
Actually, I think this should be a last resort. You will be moving from one dependency relationship right into another. If the relationship doesn't work out than you will be right back where you are now, homeless. Also, the stress of having to find your own place and move before you are ready is enough for you right now. You do not need the additional stress of being df'd or being thrown into a full-time relationship or finding a new job. Take it one step at a time.
Do not give up your job until you have another better one! This is the most important advice! It is your only means of support and independence. Being jobless can keep you dependent in a bad relationship. Being employed gives you options as a woman of means! If your parents take back your car, then let them take it. Take public transit to work. Millions of people (some with cars) commute for hours to work on public transit. If they can, you can too. When you get enough money or credit you can get your own car. Pay the higher insurance and count it as a lesson learned from your past.
You know what feels 100 times better than having a nice car and having your parents foot your bills?Having your own little place and your own junky little car and knowing you got it for yourself and you are in control of your own destiny!
Sorry my post is so long. I was on my own and df'd at 18 and yes I was scared. It made me stronger. This is the advice I wish someone had cared enough to have given me. You are luckier than many because you have all the people on this forum who care about you and want the best for you.
Good luck,