For those not sick to death of talking about this...607 BCE

by Swamboozled 601 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hillary_step


    Fred Hall still emails me from time to time with some inane comments.

    Whenever Fred Hall thought of Furuli, he seemed to get very sweaty and started leering at passing geese with a very worrying grin. Do you recall how he was so looking forward to Furuli's latest thesis he used to brim with excitement. I think he thought it a pancea for all apostate ills, and instead was served a damp sock for his lunch. The 'Oslo Chronology', turned out to be even more tatty than expected.

    I think Fred bought his personality in the Dollar Store for fifty cents, but I have to say that he was one of the most benign of the JW apologists, even 'You Know' was ashamed of

    Best regards to you and your - HS

  • Leolaia

    So what's up with Furuli? Is he doing a Volume II of his book or not?

  • thirdwitness

    No what makes the whole thread funny is there is a bunch of 587 pretenders who avoid the 40 year desolation of Egypt like a plague because they have no serious answer. ONly foolish stabs at an answer. Really don't all you mighty scholars with so many credentials feel foolish that you must resort to outlandish explanations to overcome the 40 year desolation. It is absolutely amazing. JW lurkers must be laughing there rear ends off at how you cannot overcome such a simple Bible prophecy except by resorting to ridiculousness. All you can do is change the subject to Tyre or why do I disagree with the WT etc etc etc.

    To tell you the truth, I expected better. I am thoroughly dissappointed in your antics. Name calling does not prove anything except that you cannot disprove the points made. Thus the name calling. You have really built up my faith in JWs having the truth. Thanks. Is there anybody else out there that will admit that the 587 pretenders have totally dropped the ball on the 40 year desolation of Egypt because whether you admit it or not, deep down you know they have failed.

  • AuldSoul

    thirdwitness, What makes this thread so funny to me is that you incapable of answering a simple yes or no question for me, although I have answered each of your yes or no questions.

    Does everything Jehovah inspires prophets to speak come about exactly as prophesied, yes or no?

    It is so simple. Your entire side-argument regarding 40 years of desolation for Egypt depends on you being able to directly answer this question in the affirmative, yet you refuse to do so.

    I rest my case.


  • Death to the Pixies
    Death to the Pixies
    Leo:So what's up with Furuli? Is he doing a Volume II of his book or not?

    Reply: Well, if he does not do a Vol II that will be still be one book more than you and Alan will ever manage on chronology. Sorry but it's true :>) And the Second volume is slated for early 2007 according to Rolf. It would have been out sooner, but you know- he was working a doctoral thesis involving the Hebrew language and all.

    Just a quick additonal question for clarification on the earlier question that you were generous enough to answer for me....

    So do I read you correctly when I assume from your answer (re: Ezekial's date) that you agree with the WT on the dating of the book and authorship?.(ie, not a post-exile work and forgery by later hands?)

  • AuldSoul
    thirdwitness: Name calling does not prove anything except that you cannot disprove the points made.

    The only point that you have made is that 40 years of desolation was prophesied against Egypt. Now, if you answer my yes or no question in the affirmative you will have made another point, albeit an easily destroyed one. You have been inferring freely, but an inference is not a point. You have been snide, but snideness is not a point. You have been intellectually dishonest, but that is not a point either.

    Beyond the fact that prophecy was made, you have no other points. You tried to make the point that NB data contains reference to the Babylonian conquest of Egypt, but failed utterly to substantiate your overly hasty claim.

    I am not a scholar. I haven't claimed to be one. I have no credentials whatsoever beyond a mind that is apparently somewhat more acute than yours. You can't even answer a simple yes or no question.


  • Leolaia
    So do I read you correctly when I assume from your answer (re: Ezekial's date) that you agree with the WT on the dating of the book and authorship?.(ie, not a post-exile work and forgery by later hands?)

    Well, it is not agreeing with the WT per se but with the weight of scholarship. The idea of Torrey that the whole book dates to Hellenistic times is imho without foundation and was adequately debunked by Spiegel. More substantive are doubts about the unity of the work, particularly whether ch. 38-39 or ch. 40-48 are from the same hand as ch. 1-37. I haven't made a study of it, but I am inclined to accept the overall unity of the work on the basis of language, style, and religious ideas. That is not to rule out subsequent editorial redaction and scribal modification which may be detected (cf. the relationship between ch. 1 and 10 and the irregular gender suffixes in ch. 1).

    One older objection to the early date of Ezekiel concerned the several allusions to "Danel" but this is not a valid argument because the reference is not to the prophet the book of Daniel is attributed to. Earlier writers also suspected that ch. 38-48 or 40-48 originally circulated as a second volume (as a pseudepigraphon) on the basis of Josephus (Antiquities 10.5.1), but since the discovery of the DSS we now know that there was indeed an apocryphon attributed to Ezekiel (which anyway was also cited in 1 Clement 8:3, Tertullian, De Carne Christi 23, Clement of Alexandria, Paedagogus 1.9, Epiphanius, Panarion 64.70), and the copy of Ezekiel found at Masada contained ch. 38 so the book was apparently a unity in Josephus' day at least for some.


    3rdWitness,You continue to challange the board.I have told you what the Number 40 meant,in ancient eastern literature,and you have ignored me..Are you in search of Truth,or do you need to be right?...OUTLAW

  • thirdwitness

    Jeffro, I like your argument a couple of pages back about Jehovah changing his mind on giving Neb the spoils of Egypt because Neb went to far against Judah in bringing destruction to the max. It fits in nicely with the other arguments the 587 defenders have made. I will add it to the summary. How bout this:

    6. Jehovah called off the desolation of Egypt because Nebuchadnezzar went too far in his harsh treatment of Judah thus God decided not to give Neb the spoils of Egypt.

    When we examine the time period that the prophesy of the desolation of Egypt was given we will see this cannot possibly be the case. The final part of Ezekiel's prophecy was given about 17 years after Neb desolated Jerusalem, the 27th year of Ezekiel's exile. Therefore Jehovah had already seen and and for a fact knew exactly the treatment that Neb had measured out to Judah when he made the prophesy. Do we imagine that Jehovah had temporary amnesia and thus prophecied Neb would desolate Egypt and get much booty? Then Jehovah's memory returned so that he said, 'Nevermind. I just remembered what Neb did to my people in presumptuosuly going beyond what I wanted him to do. Scratch that last prophesy about Egypt's desolation.' The implications are ridiculous.

  • Leolaia

    I guess you didn't look up Ezekiel 29:35, huh?

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