And as for your argument about Tyre you are merely shifting the argument to something else. Are you arguing that the Bible is wrong and that Tyre proves that? And since the Tyre prophecy is wrong then the Egypt prophecy is wrong? Why not take it a step further and say that if these prophecies are wrong then other Bible prophecies are no doubt wrong and thus the Bible is nothing but a man made book of some true prophecies but some false prophecies so it really cannot be depended on at all. I know you would not be arguing that because that would surely make you an apostate and I'm sure you are not an apostate, are you?
I believe if you did a little research you would find that the ancient ruins of Tyre still sit over there in Tyre and that those ruins have not been rebuilt.
"Of the original Tyre known to Solomon and the prophets of Israel, not a vestige remains except in its rock-cut sepulchres on the mountain sides, and in foundation walls . . .
Alexander made her a bare rock and threw debris into the water to make the causeway; fishermen now spread nets over the site (there is a city of Tyre today, but it is located down the coast from the original Tyre); the old city of Tyre has never been rebuilt, even though a great freshwater spring is located at the site, providing 10,000,000 gallons of water daily. It is still an excellent site today but has never been rebuilt, although many have tried.
The very fact that it was prophecied at Ezek 26:5 that A drying yard for dragnets is what she will become in the midst of the sea.’ shows that it would have people there and that it would not be totally abandoned. But the ancient city still lies in ruins.