Keep ears and eyes open: Possible announcement this Wednesday

by truthseeker 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    WTS security on these matters is usually like a sieve. I suspect nothing is of any significance. Probably another "The end is nigh, brothers".


  • JH

    Whatever announcement they make isn't inspired, that's for sure.

  • chiddy

    I'm so exited I could crush a grape


    JH..Everything from the WBT$ is inspired..By cold,hard,cash..$$$$$$$$$$$$...OUTLAW

  • truthseeker

    This is what started the "Big Announcement" wheel spinning way back in August.

    We posted about an announcement it was only local to our cong. However we have found out that there is going to be an announcement sometime in September and it is supposed to be shocking. Elders already know. So are their any elders out there who visit this site that could give us the heads up. I posted about 3 or 4 months ago about how a brother's friend went to the Gilead graduation and they were told that the Society feels Armageddon will be this year, could this be the shocking announcement. Whatever it is, it is supposed to be top secrect and unbelievable.

  • truthseeker

    Does anyone know anything about the Annual General Meeting the Society holds every October? It could have been this past weekend, or it may be this coming weekend?

    Any notes etc?

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    There is no way that a major or minor announcement would be sent to the BOEs and them to be able to keep it secret. I wouldn't hold my breath on this.


    Chiddy..Crush a grape?..Well I`m going to crush a beer can..With my bum..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • juni

    It's only a couple of days till Wed evening. I for one am keeping an open mind, remembering that someone here said the "announcement would hurt."

    Gonna hurt big time - in the pocket book! Start giving money or else.........

    No doubt - same o, same o - Example: Be at all of the meetings because when we're banned and you're not there you won't know where to meet next. (This was a true big announcement)

  • dido

    I agree with doubting bro`, there`s no way they would have been able to keep it to themselves, some would have told their wives, or close family members, esp if it is shocking.

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