At this point I don't exactly know what I think about demons and demonic attacks but I will tell you some things I have read about.
I feel that Jehovahs Witnesses are almost demon worshippers! In my congregation for many years I could not attend a meeting without hearing something about demons. Whether it came from the podium or from casual conversations before/after the meetings. Not that they actually worship demons, but demons are a big part of their belief system.
I myself used to be terrified of demons! I used to read many books on wicca/witchcraft and the occult before I became a witness and never thought once about demons. Then when I got to the chapter in the "Knowledge" book about wicked spirits and spiritism, I totally freaked and burned all of my books.
Then a few years later I started reading those same books again and a few others (in secret of course). I still couldn't get over my fear of demons so I started do "research". What I found was that many people who had demonic/paranormal experiences had extreme fear(s) in their life. Whether it was fear of the paranormal, fear of death or extreme paranoia of one thing or the other. Many also had extreme manic depression or schizophernia. Some also had severe abuse taking place in the home.
It is believed that the enviroment (the home or the mind) became overloaded with negative energy and the demons could be drawn to it. Others have suggested that we create the paranormal activity. Not that it is our imagination running wild, but our imagination becomes so focused that we actually manifest these strange happenings. Now theses cases were people who had really extreme abuse take place and or severe mental illness.
All of these cases and the analysis of them could all be crock of crap. I mean why would demons do this? Just for *hit & Giggles? For all I know satan & jah could be having tea and scones while watching the demons and angels play a wicked game of cricket.
I don't know if I even believe in satan or demons, but I have spoken with many people who have had some real freaky things happen to them. I just thought I would share some info with everyone.
Very Best Regards,
I. Wonder