I always thought those demon stories were a bit silly....
Question: Demons
by ladybug25 113 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Under_believer- thanks for that, does that mean we are friends now?
I should hope so. If there's one thing I appreciate about breaking free from Witness thinking, it's the ability to befriend those I don't agree with. ;) Heck, just being able to disagree with someone on religious topics, and not be afraid of being punished, is breathtaking.
When one so eagerly either wants to dismiss all the stories, or explain them away by stating it happened at night, while at sleep etc., - just a couple of experiences from a close friend of mine. One summer's day she and a friend went visiting another friend, they sat down the two visitors on the couch (the one they visited on a chair), and then after a while the couch started levitating, with the two of them still sitting on it, until their heads touched the ceiling. It then swirled down, coming to a standstill on a different side of the room from where it originally stood. They ran. They weren't tired, they weren't asleep, they weren't seeking attention, they have told but a few. But it happened. Some days later, same place, the friend is not a home, they enter the apartment to wait for her. So slowly the room starts to fill with thick, foul-smelling smoke . It gets so thick, they can hardly see or breathe. They run out, meet their friend down the road, go back - and the apartment is clear, pure, nothing strange to it. I had the "pleasure" of taking part of another story centering around one of them a couple of years later, when she and her husband lived in a house, they rented the apartment in the second floor, while the owners lived in the first floor. After a while, they hear parties are being held in the apartment below, kind of upper-class parties, tasty parties, whatever, you hear polite talk, quiet laughter, glasses touching each other, quiet piano music. Then they realize - these parties are held when the people downstairs are gone, out, and the apartment is dark, no light, nobody there. Parties held in an empty apartment. They quietly and politely ask questions in the neighbourhood, and are told the deceased mother of the present owner was a famous medium who used to give seances in the apartment.
Stories like these, told to me personally by the ones who experienced them, and partly experienced by myself - are pretty convincing, if you ask me .....................
TheOldHippie- i believe these stories, as my bro`s house is haunted, and his drums play on their own in the middle of the night, and so does his organ. Family members don`t go there much now because of this, but one experience was when one of my sis was visiting and she used to play on his organ a lot. One day she was sitting in another roon to the organ, and her daughter of about 4 was tinkering on the organ, when all of a sudden it started to play the tunes that my sister played, who was quite good on it, and it totally freaked my sis out, and she has never been there since. Others have been there when the door just slammed hard out of the blue, with no draughts or anything. Also some have had an intense feeling of being watched. I saw a programme on haunted houses, and these are some of the classic signs of ghosts.I am convinced, as i know these are not made up, and are not attention seeking people. Actually, i am going there for a weekend soon, so i will see if anything happens while i`m there!
under_believer, who said you are getting away without punishment?
Well, with all these stories I wonder what demons get out of lifting things and people, parties, fog, throwing shoes and the like? Sometimes they seem very playful and sometimes brutal.
I have heard many stories, but dont remember one were someone got killed, not killing themself. Is there a reason for that? Do the demons want us to know about them or not? Why are they doing this senseless stuff?
fts- i have never heard of someone dying either, not sure why they do it, maybe they get a kick out of scaring us, or they could be mischeavous (have i spelt that right?). I don`t know if i believe they are dead people haunting, as have always believed we go to the grave when we die, wts teaching of course, but, they could be wrong about that, and it could be the spirits of disgruntled people that died. i don`t know what to believe, but only go by the evidence that these things are happening, and in the light of day.
thats the problem I have with these stroies, the evidence is only 'there' for a very limited audiance. I cant expect someone to believe something outstanding like that just because I say so. At least with the angel stories lives are saved, which makes a little more sense. Edit: Where is the documented evidence? Since it seem to me these spirits are trying to make contact.
some people believe that these experiences are not demons but rather the spirits (or energy) of those who died but do not realize they are dead. I am not sure if my experience was demons but I am so happy not to of had that experience again. especially feeling someone touching me that is not there.
I have had other things happen to me that I cannot explain such as dreams of dead people who give me messages. My mother came to me three months after she died to tell me dad would be joining her soon. Dad was not even sick as far as we knew. But within a few weeks, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Before he died - he said Mom appeared to him. My sister caught him speaking to her in his room and chalked it up to hallucinations due to pain meds. My dad died one year exactly to the day Mom did.
I have also had Premonitions of danger and death coming and I cannot explain what it is. One of these I am convinced saved my life but I will tell you about it another time. My mother also had these experiences and so does my daughter who is 14. I think it is hereditary, something of a sixth sense passed along thru generations.
When I had my experience with the paranormal attack - my mother was into witch craft, crystal balls and ouiji boards. But I have always been a Christian, ever since I was a young child. I can remember praying to God and Jesus as young as kindergarten.
I do believe in sleep paralysis and think some of these experiences "could" be that. But I was wide awake, had walked through the whole house, and was pushed back while I was standing up! I must have had "sleep walking paralysis?".
No matter what, you know what you felt and no one can truly understand if they have never experienced something similiar but you are by no means crazy or hallucinating. Lilly
I think it is hereditary, something of a sixth sense passed along thru generations.
Is there at least documented evidence for this, since I dont have it? Actually my sisters and me should, our father and grandfather had it.
In reality, of course, demons do not exist. They are simply used, like their "good" counterparts, angels, to "explain" certain phenomena. In modern western society, the number of unexplained phenomena is much lower than in more primitive times and places, which, thankfully dilutes the harm of such beliefs. For example, we now (mostly) understand diseases such as epilepsy and schizophrenia and realise they can be better treated by doctors than priests.
The danger arises when someone comes across an unexplained phenomenon, or one they are unfamiliar with - such as sleep paralysis, the likely cause of dido's experiences - and due to religious indoctrination, assumes demons to be the cause. Sometimes that doesn't matter too much, as there is an imaginary cure to go with the imaginary cause of the imaginary affliction. The right incantation to the right deity vanquishes the demons.
Sometimes, however, the affects of this absurd belief are not so neutral. People may live in fear for years due to something as mundane as a clanking water pipe, because they have been conditioned to believe they are engaged in a spiritual war with invisible enemies. Or worse, they may avoid treatment for a real medical condition because they - and their loved ones - believe it to be a demon attack.
Aren't we advanced enough to throw of the shackles of primitive superstition? There are no invisible people waging war for our souls, no spirits trapped in old houses, no incubi or succubi wanting to breed with us. There is only reality - actual, hard, cold, measurable, understandable, beautiful reality.