There are some very good examples of recent evolution in action, the famous moths that changed colouration in response to polution levels in the atmosphere,
fish are getting smaller as an evolutionary response to fishing, since fisherman always throw smaller fish back in or smaller fish can swim through holes in nets, fish populations (the ones that humans fish anyway) are getting smaller.
I know you said that bacteria dont do it for you but how about the bacteria that have evolved the ability to consume nylon waste (nylon is a completely artificial product not in existence before the begining of the last century)
The american mussels that have evolved a defence mechanism against a foreign crab only recently bought to american shores.
These are just some of the examples that I can recall, you are welcome to do further research yourself on any of the examples I have given. If you wish to have the links let me know.
Probably the best example though is dog and cat breeding, by artifically selecting characteristics people have been able to introduce huge variety into dogs, just think of evolution as a natural way of selecting the characteristics that help the animal survive and mate in whatever environment it's in.