...and to think I paid good money for my pearls. Sheesh Alan, you mean all I had to do was oink?
evolution or creation? lets talk...
by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends
On this particular subject I'm afraid you are completely over your head.That doesn't make you stupid, nor worthy of being verbally abused. However, it does mean that if you want to engage in a conversation on this topic you'll have to read some books that you feel are boring. I suspect you'll probably just avoid the subject, unless you genuinely are curious about it.
I suggest that there are probably some topics that you have an interest in that some of the posters on this thread would be out of their depth in. It's swings and roundabouts. No-one knows everything, no matter how many encyclopaedias or Awake!s they've read.
If it's any consolation, I find a lack of manners more of a character flaw than simply not knowing something. Better to keep your peace and enjoy the banter. Some folks are more straitlaced online than they are in person. Having met quite a few I often find myself surprised out how nice they are in person when they can seem to be absolute w**k*ers in the hard text of a webboard
Pearl necklaces don't count -
Lol @ dido's attitude
hillary_step- how thick can you get, do you think that ONLY royalty go to those schools? Prime ministers, teachers, politicians, doctors people with real education and knowledge, not just failed theories. Where did you go, to the dumb school?
hillary_step- how thick can you get, do you think that ONLY royalty go to those schools?
Of course not, but it was ONLY the Royals that YOU mentioned as if that were some sort of mark intellectually. It is not. I would rather you intone the qualifications of some of the students who did not need to buy their way into edifices of higher learning. It may have made your point more effectively.
satanus- i can see you are `luvvin my work`, i do liven up this boring thread don`t i?
Little Toe- i know you are trying to be diplomatic and `feel sorry` for me, but please don`t as i don`t need anyones sympathy when it comes to this subject. The truth is all the evo`s on here are so sure that they are right, i hope Armageddon does come and give them a rude awakening! Has it entered into yours or any of the other dipsticks on here, (not including you as i have respect for you and Ian) that there is a possibility that you could be wrong? Or are they all so vein to think that they are right?
why do you think hardly anyone got involved with the thread, because they know what you lot are
Hi Dido
I think part of the trouble is the use of language and also folk not fully understanding specific concepts. I'm no great one to talk here. I just about keep up with the various ideas expressed by evolutionists, but cannot really engage enough to counter arguments presented in certain areas............................. YET !!!!!!!!
I am clearly not well read when it comes to this area of research (aside from a handful of articles on the internet). But I can live with that for now. I do find the idea of organisms responding to external stimuli fascinating and an organisms ability to adapt to the environment in order to move forward and survive acceptable. I can live with that and it does not remove the central core of my beliefs or who I am and my personal experiences that I have decided to define as touching the supernatural world that we now barely comprehend, let alone understand.
As others have said, none of the above necessarily excludes a creative sentient force at work in the life we share, that you & I call GOD.
I think sometimes it is good to lower the shield and let others be ones guide for a while.
Abaddon's still an a-hole though (slight pun intended).
Seeker4- i can`t believe how self inflated you are, in over my head haha, it`s aload of bull s..t anyway, you are the ones who are sucked into crap. For the record, my lack of education was at a public boarding school, similar to the ones that royalty go to, so jog on mate! Also i have had aload of pm`s telling me what a bunch of arseholes you lot are, why do you think hardly anyone got involved with the thread, because they know what you lot are! I was told i was the wisest one on the thread, so carry on with the name calling, i must have got under all your skins to have had such an affect, hmm makes you wonder doesn`t it?
I think Dido loves the attention she is getting. Her behavior speaks for itself http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/122145/1.ashx. her thread is an perfect example of bully tactics, making a list. And than complaining about persons defending themselves who she has publicly insulted. Now what does that remind me off? And I believe there is nothing an evolutionist could present as evidance since she is very convinced of her demon experience http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/121634/1.ashx.
So I try to look at all of this in an humorous way.
Thanks for the link, Satanus, but my request for a reading list obviously concerned books written by competent, recognized authors, not an amateur writing on what is essentially a discussion board.