TopHat, you realize that "ignorant" isn't an insult, right? It just describes the state that you're in when you don't know anything about a certain topic. I'm totally ignorant, for example, of the stock market. That doesn't make me dumb, and it isn't a slam.
AlanF is (rightly) pointing out that you, and dido, and some others, are ignorant of evolutionary theory. You don't know enough about it to say it's false. Again--not an insult. Just an observation.
evolution or creation? lets talk...
by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends
So you say you have an accurate understanding of evolution? Does that mean you believe in evolution? Just curious as that can lead others to believe you DO!
I'm no phoenix, but I do have what I'd describe as an informed layman's understanding of evolutionary theory.
As do whether I "believe in" evolution, I really think that's probably not the best way to put it. "Believe in" sounds like faith and religion to me. It's like saying "do you believe in your microwave oven?" I have a reasonable expectation that if I operate my oven in certain ways, certain other outcomes will result. Nice, toasty, molten-cheese-filled Hot Pockets, for example. By the same token, I have a reasonable expectation that the predictions made by evolution will result in certain outcomes--outcomes that have, indeed, occured with every additional fossil we dig up, every additional discovery in genetics we make, and every new drug we design. -
Any of you seen the "manufactured reality" of what really happens inside a Coke vending machine?
good timing
(BTW, that was really cool)
freetosee-you are worrying me!
underbeliever-so you and your fellow evo`s are the authority on it are you? You can determine that we are ignorant? Maybe we don`t want to fill our brains with evo crap.
Mysterious- how can you be sure that the big A won`t happen, again taking it for granted that you are right .Another self righteous person on board.
un believer......Then AlanF is ignorant of what I know and don't know....isn't that so. I have posted information about evolution and creation but he can not crasp the info or he just refuses to crasp. Instead what does he do?? Yep! you guessed it.
So now that we have evolved into humans...what is the next stage for evolution...anyone want to take a guess or do you know, cause you'er soooooooo smart.
Little Drummer Boy
Alan I know you're well read on the subject what would you say is the best book on the subject to start with? I'm hoping for something that would be available through my university or public library since I'm a little short on funds. Major university though so you can assume anything truly noteworthy should be there. I seem to encounter this debate with creationists quite often and I don't have all the arguments yet.
I'm sure Alan has a much broader and perhaps better selection of books to suggest for you, but if I may, I found the book "The Blind Watchmaker" from Richard Dawkins to be helpful for me. I found it engaging and informative. I didn't find it to be too technically deep, but enough to convince me.
I want to take this opportunity to appologize to you for my behaviour on this thread. I should not have been so caustic to you.
TopHat--it's "under_believer". unbeliever is a different user. AlanF is saying that you've demonstrated the fact that you don't really understand evolution based on your posting history. Again, I ask that you don't take that as an insult. Here's another example: I'm ignorant of silicon wafer manufacturing. I make my entire living as a computer professional, and I don't even understand how CPUs work, not really! I would feel unqualified to argue about chip manufacturing.
By the same token, you don't understand evolution, other than the fact that you believe it threatens the existence of God, and is therefore bad. If you educate yourself about it, though, you might be surprised at what you learn... Again, not an insult. Just an observation.
And dido, no. As I already explained, I am NOT an authority on evolution, but I do have a good working knowledge of it. You have demonstrated your ignorance, and explained that you are happy with this. Your last statement bears this out: "Maybe we don't want to fill our brains with evo crap."
How, and I'm really not trying to insult you here, so please don't take it that way, but how in the world can you say that evolutionary theory is false, when you don't... know... what... that... theory... claims? How can you reject it and call it crap, when you don't understand it?
I extend the same invitation to you that I did to TopHat: don't automatically assume it means "no God." Evolutionary theory is silent on the existence of God, just as the Bible is silent on the genetic makeup and heredity of Galapagos finches. Learn about evolution--you might be surprised. The worst that can happen to you is that you'll know more about how your fellow humans think. -
LDB- apology accepted.
under_believer- i do understand it but don`t BELIEVE it,
So now that we have evolved into humans...what is the next stage for evolution...anyone want to take a guess or do you know, cause you'er soooooooo smart.