How Clean is your House?

by morty 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    How Clean is Your House?

    I just love this show.. Kim and Aggie run into some pretty disturbing homes I must admit. I am certainly not on the list of the most disgusting homes but, don’t have the most organized house on the street....

    I like cleanliness in all parts of my home( cat litter empted, dishes cleaned, bathroom area VERY sanitary, floors cleaned, carpets vacuumed, garbage emptied if full, candles burning, the furniture and carpet deodorized daily, the dog has to be bathed regular, ash trays dumped and cleaned every time I finish smoking in the back room, and finally, the supper dishes must be done before I go to bed..

    I could not give two sh*t’s if the bed did not get made properly, the kids room has dirty laundry on it or all their junk, they don’t have their beds made every day, the computer desk has bills/papers lying on it, the cats/dogs food runs out of dish, there is a cob web up in the corner of the living room, ( that’s a great decoration for this time of the year the wires are showing from the t.v and dvd player, there are a few pairs of shoes at the door at not put away on the shoe rack, there is a coat on the back of a chair instead of hung up, and the pillows and blankets are scattered all over the couch for comfort (at night only, not during the day unless it is the weekend)

    So, my question is, How important is it to you if your house is clean? Are you the type that has a daily ritual and everything has it’s place and must be done by a certain time or are you a laid back cleaner like I consider myself?

  • liquidsky

    My house is absolutley spotless. I wish it wouldn't bother me so much if the bed isn't made, or if there are dishes in the sink. But it does. I get totally stressed if anything is dirty or out of place. I know, I'm crazy.

  • unbeliever

    My house is cluttered. Sometimes I won't unload the dishwasher for days and the same dishes get washed over and over again. I do take very good care of my clothes and shoes and keep them organized. I guess my closet is the only organized place in my house. I have a cleaning lady that comes every 2 weeks and does a deep clean. Without her I shutter to think what my house would look like. Also I just don't have time to clean. If I do have some free time at home I would rather stay in bed and relax. Cleaning is so boring and tiresome. I have no problem living in a cluttered house. I have a friend that is obsessive compulsive and her husband came home late and took a bath, and she cleaned the shower at 2 in the morning because she good not sleep with it being "dirty". That is no way to live.

  • bikerchic

    I'm a neat freak! It's easily done if you just pick up things and make it a habit of setting aside on day a week for deep cleaning. Beyond that I'm pretty ordinary and I know cuz I clean houses for a living. I'm probably cleaner and neater than most of my clients except for my crafting room......we won't talk about that....... the shame!

    could not give two sh*t’s if the bed did not get made properly, the kids room has dirty laundry on it or all their junk, they don’t have their beds made every day, the computer desk has bills/papers lying on it, the cats/dogs food runs out of dish, there is a cob web up in the corner of the living room, ( that’s a great decoration for this time of the year the wires are showing from the t.v and dvd player, there are a few pairs of shoes at the door at not put away on the shoe rack, there is a coat on the back of a chair instead of hung up, and the pillows and blankets are scattered all over the couch for comfort (at night only, not during the day unless it is the weekend)

    Morty it sounds like you live in your house which is they way families are, everyone should feel comfy in their own home.

  • becca1

    My house is pretty clean and organized. Clutter stresses me out and I can't relax in a messy room. I never leave dirty dishes in the sink. If I don't make my bed in the AM because of being in a hurry it bugs me all day. I put things away right after I finish using them. I clean up as I cook so when dinner is done it's spotless. I tiddy up the living areas before I go to bed, bacause if I wake up to a messy house it can ruin my day. I am actually less obsesive now than I was twenty years ago. I do get behind on laundry, I sometimes have piles of clean but unfolded clothes in the guest bedroom. I hate to fold clothes.

  • becca1

    Purps: you're right about it being easy if you pick up after yourself. I've always said "I don't clean, I keep things clean".

  • fullofdoubtnow

    At the moment, ours is very clean and well organised. It's like that most of the time.

  • jaguarbass

    To my standards the house is cleaned. No dishes in the sink or on the table. Everything in its place nothing out of place. The grass is cut. The beds not always maid as I work midnights and my wife works days.

  • restrangled

    Its very important to me, but the older I get I have less and less energy to keep up.

    Both my boys are home going to college, plus my husband runs his business from the house and there are 2 large dogs, all in a relatively small home (1600 square feet) a lot of living gets done in this house.

    When I was young my home was spotless. Now I'm sorry to say that the clutter, shoes, laundry etc. overwhelm me. (I don't even open the doors to my sons' rooms. Its too scary! I try to keep my areas organized such as the pantry, drawers and cabs in the kitchen etc. Every month I pull out the stove and Fridge to clean under them. Dirty windows drive me nuts and also dishes in the kitchen sink. I run the dishwasher at least twice a day.

    I do all the floors every other day, the kitchen is clean when I go to bed, but when I get up in the morning it is usually trashed from all the snacking and forays after hours. I also take care of the pool and yard so if the inside is ok the outside usually needs work or vice versa.

    One thing I insist upon is a spotless living room so that if the front door is opened at least I can give the appearance of a well kept home at this point. (None of the fellas use it)

    I don't work outside the home, but if I did it would be a disaster.

    The biggest thorn in my side is the garage. Its huge and an absolute disaster. Forget about putting cars in it. The laundry is at the back of the garage so its a nightmare.. ARGHHHHH!


  • katiekitten

    My house is very clean and very neat, but not so much so that my daughter darent play in any of the rooms. Everything is cleared up before bedtime.

    Plus I employ my mum to clean for me once a week!!

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