My mother was a neat freak, cleaned the house every day and yelled at us if shoes were not in lined up properly. I promised myself I would never be like that, especially if I had kids. I was neater and kept a cleaner home before I had my daughter. Afterwards, I relaxed my standards, keeping my mother's example in mind and also because my spare time needed to be spent with my daughter, not scrubbing the shower. Now my daughter cleans our home. Is it neat and clean? Well, it wouldn't be condemned by the health department. On my deathbed, I doubt I will regret my relaxed attitudes.
How Clean is your House?
by morty 47 Replies latest jw friends
one word Spotless
My Wife rocks
My house is absolutley spotless. I wish it wouldn't bother me so much if the bed isn't made, or if there are dishes in the sink. But it does. I get totally stressed if anything is dirty or out of place. I know, I'm crazy.
Greetings liquidsky,
You're not crazy 1 iota.
I am a neat freakin nut ! My house must be in order, sanitized for germs. I have a serious paranoia about germs. And I do it all myself.
Mr. Kim
Nothing wrong with being clean. Some can carry this endeavor too far. Bad thing is, most people are to lazy to be clean in the first place. Know what I mean? LOL
My house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy.
I always try to keep things picked up and clean the major areas weekly like the kitchen and bathrooms. I don't mind if the bed is made but the sheets should be clean. I tend to keep the closets and drawers in order and try to make a pick up sweep and put away just before going to bed. I also sort out my possessions every fall and get rid of things I have used since last fall. I try to have an easy place to put things away.
Dusting is not a big deal and vacuuming is easy if you don't have to pick up things first.
But don't plan on eating off the floor..........
Jayhawk said," My house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy. I like that, and I can honestly say, this describes my house!! .......when I was young, my mom was always ripping the entire house apart, on the weekend, and we were not allowed to do anything, unless it was all cleaned and put back together properly. I hated weekends. When I clean, it's one room at a time, so the entire house is not a disaster zone. My boys are supposed to make their beds every morning, and throw their dirty clothes in the hamper. I like my dishes to be done every night too and put away. I cannot stand clutter, so I make sure things are put away in their place, and I can't stand dirt, but I'm not as bad as when I was young. I'd vaccuum every single day,and dust, and if the kids had a toy out of place, I'd whisk it away to the toybox....I ran myself ragged. Not anymore....the entire house gets cleaned once a week, and vaccuumed once a week, unless there's a mess. Morty, I also have candles and incense burning, and pillows and blankets for cuddling on the's just cosy....and you can put your feet up on my coffee table too!!!
My house is a very clean house:
Wow, what a mess Honesty.
I keep my kitchen very clean, please excuse the truck in the living room.
Since we are on this subject, and I don't mean to hijack a thread but if anyone here as a few secret shortcuts for cleaning add it to your reply!
One of mine is a hand held steam machine. I have extensive tile to do and the grout gets disgusting. I can take this machine with a roll of paper towls and make it look like new. (It's frightening what comes out of grout.) They are also great on faucets and toilets.
My other favorite is a "Swiffer" with the wood and tile floors. I couldn't live without it.
Happy cleaning.