My husband is definitely not a neat freak by any means, but I don't mind picking up the slack for him
Mine is not a neat freak at all as well and I don't like picking up after him...He has two arms and legs and I am not his slave.......I feel my boys learn by example...I want my boys to know that their wifes are not going to pick up after them all the time once they leave the nest....I understand once in while and helping out but, not expecting it all the time....( my "X" was like that and I swore it would not happen again....)
I grew up in a really clean house, so thats probably where I get it from.
I also grew up in a perfect house but, I think I weighed the other way....I mean, I like it clean but, lived in....not so clean that you feel you are in a museum and you cannot touch anything...