How Clean is your House?

by morty 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    I clean 1x a week the entire house. Major cleaning 1x a year (curtains washed, cupboards washed out, etc.)

    So it is clean, but lived in. And I don't want anyone to eat off my floors!


  • FlyingHighNow
    He claimed that when visiting peoples homes he would wedge some toilet paper up underneath the rim and see how dirty it would come out!

    How disgusting. I wonder if he'll ever know how weird that is. Makes me think of those weirdos that are obsessed with feces. Damned Pharisee!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Ascribers to the Maxim "Cleanliness is next to [fill in the blank]":

    "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the dirt!" --- Mommie D.

    As a little boy I'd take a pail of hot, soapy water out to the sidewalk and scrub it. Cement basement walls also got a good washing-down ( not chores conjured up by my parental units ). Turned that compulsion into fun and profit and became a pioneer-janitor. Good clean fun and big bucks! Help people organize their homes, too. Someday I'll tell you about Bette Davis' childhood trauma at the Bigtop upon encountering "visual chaos." Really.

    Yours truly,


  • hambeak

    My house is clean but today We sanitized it washing walls baseboards etc. What a job but I hate the dust and with one day off a week we just schedule one room at a time to clean but today was a blitz. thank god it is over so now time for a beer lol

  • morty

    I don't have a spotless house. It doesn't help if your husband is a pack rat and thinks that there's value in every odd thing he finds. My oldest daughter and grandson moved back home, and it's been even messier. She loves clothes, but she doesn't care where she throws them. My grandson has gadzillions of toy cars and trucks. He has trucks and cars everywhere. My husband manages to run over them with his wheelchair (accidentally) some times, which helps to get rid of a few of them. My grandson says he going to be a heavy equipment operator, firemen, paramedic, bus driver, telephone repairman type person when he grows up.

    I've, actually, thrown some of the trucks and cars away just for my daughter to bring home more! *sigh*

    I just told the kids and my husband last night that the first time that I see any roaches or rats, I'm moving out! That's why I put the picture of the bad(bag, Oops) lady up. If I don't go back to work, I'm going to end up being a bag lady.

    Dear McDucket,

    I sense you have some frustrations in your post. You do the best you can ( which sounds like you have been) and I know your grandson will learn from your love kindness and patients. He will become that profession he wants to be, with you on his side.

    It sounds to me you have lot’s on your plate so, put you feet up on the coffee table today and make it about you today. Who cares what the house may look like today cause your worth it!

    love Morty

  • morty
    My mother always kept a spotless house. She says now she wishes she had spent more time with us as kids than spending it on the house and cleaning. We'd be shooed out the door every morning after breakfast, couldn't come back until lunch, then the same after until supper time. We were not allowed to spend time indoors unless there was a bilzzard! She didn't want the house to get messy. If there was any dirt on your clothes, they came off at the door before you could come in the house. (We were allowed to get as dirty as we wanted outside, but just don't bring it in the house, which is understandable.)

    I can relate to some of this post. Yes, my mother was a clean freak but, we all had to clean with her before we went anywhere. I hated it with a passion. We were never allowed anyone in the house to play with or have anyone in unless they were a JW and the house was spotless . My mom had to have plenty of warning when we wanted to invite anyone over. I would say primarily, I went to other’s homes to play cause it was not worth the aggravation of having someone come over.

    You know though, it appears to me, it may have been a JW thing about cleaning because even when I went to other’s homes to play, everyone was cleaning at their homes as well.

    Now, I must tell you though, that my mom did have 5 children and my dad was not home very much. Till this day she is always justifying this to me when I ask her "why" we were never allowed anyone to play in the house.

    25 years later, I am a mom and my children are allowed to have their friends over when ever they please. I believe my house is where all the kids "hang out". I would not change this for anything as I dreamed as a kid to be "that child" with everyone in their home and my mom baking cookies for all my friends.

    My home has a revolving front door, but my children are happy, my house is presentable and you may find a cobweb in the corner of the living room!!

  • morty
    He claimed that when visiting peoples homes he would wedge some toilet paper up underneath the rim and see how dirty it would come out!
    How disgusting. I wonder if he'll ever know how weird that is. Makes me think of those weirdos that are obsessed with feces. Damned Pharisee!

    X2 FHN...That's just sick....He is the type, that goes through your bathroom cabinets as well I bet!

    Ya know the ones that you wished you had a 10000marbles in the cabinet and he opens it while they drop all over the floor and then he has to explain why he was snooping in your draws!!

  • lonelysheep
    So, my question is, How important is it to you if your house is clean? Are you the type that has a daily ritual and everything has it’s place and must be done by a certain time or are you a laid back cleaner like I consider myself?

    It is usually kept presentable. I hate cleaning. I wait till the last minute to do things, when I can't stand to look at things being disorganized any longer.

    Things like the kitchen and bathroom have to stay nice and tidy or I can't live in it. Garbage goes out everyday, dishes are washed. Leaving food and garbage around is just plain DISGUSTING!

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