JW Reform, It will NEVER happen...

by AuldSoul 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sunspot
    I agree that this is a religion that is more interested in developing real estate than preaching the good news to the poor and down trodden. I don't get how they can condemn wealth but love to spend money the way they do .

    This would be MY guess too. Browbeating the JWs into the thinking that to "be pleasing to Jehovah"----they must keep their eye simple, but buying and selling prime real estate is "the way to go".....is just not making good sense at all. (but yet they have gotten away with this for as long as I can recall)

    I sure don't see any evidence that the WTS is pulling in their belt and obeying Jesus' example in this manner......do you?


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    How can they continue if we find undisputable answers together?

    Would that not be their "end"?

    Is it possible if we put aside our petty differences and boundries and learn to work together for a common goal?

    Or is it left up to someone else to protect them from themselves?

  • Honesty
    Since Jehovah's Witnesses have provably never been God's organization, why would God fix it?

    It hasn't and He will not.

    God's Spirit has never been found where His will is not being done.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    How many JW's would put their eternal salvation at risk to protect their weaker siblings from God Himself?

    Even if it meant facing eternal damnation by doing so?

    Would you betray God to protect your little brothers and sisters from Him and His fury?

    How do you think He would reward a human who dared put himself/herself between Him and His plans for their destruction?

    How would you feel if your oldest child stood up to you and refused to let you beat on their little sister?

    Would you consider him a traitor? Or would you be extremely proud of him? or both?

  • OnTheWayOut

    This is a great thread. The opinions all bring up many great points. We don't really
    know what the future of WTS will be, but I will add my agreement on many points made.

    The GB allows upwardly mobile members to succeed only by total agreement with
    current doctrined and support for it.

    Rutherford did totally reform the WTS and allowed it to be adaptable from then on, no
    really major reform has taken place since then, only adapting. The changes that took
    place in 1995 were necessary adaptations. Many other changes are the result of
    lawsuits, government rules, and the pocketbook. (No matter what we might say, the
    pocketbook is the ultimate guide to what should be done.)

    My opinion is that the WTS will remain as firm and radical as it can be to be attractive
    to people looking for that. They won't be able to outrun the information superhighway,
    so their membership drives will become less effective. Eventually, they will try to adapt
    their stand on issues to increase membership and decrease people quitting the org., but
    their adaptations will be too little, too late, they won't work.

    All theories from that point on will be just guesses. The corporation may survive without
    the GB influence and become something else. The GB may continue to downsize and
    hold out for the "end" doing any radical last-minute efforts to stay alive, including
    abandoning the United States entirely and finding a new place to take their remaining

  • Junction-Guy

    I like Sunspot's restaurant analogy, I will give my own:

    There are many restaurants in town, one restaurant in particular is the only italian restaurant in town, so if anybody is craving italian food they must eat there. The problem is this restaurant has been in trouble repeatedly with the health department over various complaints. The owner seems unwilling to change, and will only do enough to get by the scrutiny of the health department. The customers start to complain that the restaurant is unsanitary to the owner, however it falls on deaf ears. Now the people in this town love italian food so well that they are willing to put up with the less than sanitary conditions. When the customers start to complain more to the owner, the owner tells them to keep their mouth shut or they will be banned from his restaurant. Some people get pissed at the owners refusal to comply, and stage protests out front with signs that say "this restaurant is unsanitary" Some contact the local news media, and even some former employees go to the health department and inform them of the violations.

    Then gradually this owner starts to see his business is faltering, he cleans it up really nice, and pretends to be within the health regulation. Some former patrons start eating there again, but business was never as good as it was in the beginning, Why? because the original customers will always doubt the sincerity of the owner. The owner knew all along his health practices were poisoning his customers, but he refused to to anything about it, and the only reason he finally did anything was a last ditch effort to save his business.

    The business owner was shoddy and really couldnt be trusted.

    See how all this compares to the WT Society? Even if the WT Society did a complete reversal on shunning, blood transfusions, and child molestation, could anyone ever trust them again?

    For me the answer is no, because the welfare of the JW people is always secondary to the image and financial well being of the JW Cult.

    They are liars, manipulators, and that is one facet that will never change with them, no matter what else they change.


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Are we supposed to go and try to open their eyes and save them from their wicked ways..even sacrifice ourselves if nessesary to set them a good example...or sit back and condemn them and pray for God to destroy them while we watch nodding or arrogant heads in agreement?

    Is that the kind of children God raised?

    Perhaps you need to ask your God before responding.

  • LittleToe

    When my eyes opened I wondered for a while whether or not I should stay in, become a CO, and attempt reform from within. It wasn't many weeks before I cast aside that illusion.

    While money makes the world go round, it seems to be power that they are really in it for. Everyone, from the top to the bottom, has a vested interest in it. Heck, it must be some rush to say something and have six million people jump and say "how high?"

    Another vote for "it'll never happen", here!

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Well...I put it on myspace...on the philosophy and religion section on the forums.

    Lets see what our children have to say..see what kind of children they want.

    I will keep ya posted.

  • moshe

    JW's are all alone on an island. They can never seem to join together for any collective change. They are abused and just continue to "take it up the keester". I have no sympathy for the spineless adults who allow themselves to be manipulated. It will take several on the GB to join together for a radical change in direction. Ray Franz couldn't get any support back then and I doubt that it could happen today. I still hope, for the sake of the children, that they do make some changes.

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