God's image

by Rex B13 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tina

    Wrong! lol I dont expect or ask anyone, including god to do anything for me. That's an erroneous assumption dearie. No,I owe my satisfactions to myself,the hard work and effort I put into living my life. No ,Ignorant is somebody like you,who has taken myth allegory and superstion,made it into some corny real life ideology. Ignorance is the intolerant,judgemental mindset you and other fundies display. By calling those not sucked into the mythmaking ignorant.

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Julie

    Take it easy sunstarr--

    Try not to get so worked up defending biblegod, it will get you nowhere. Let's face it there are many atrocities in the bible. It obviously irritates you that there are people who find such behavior unacceptable in other humans, much less a creature of enlightentment. Hey if you want to make excuses for this homicidal maniac that is your right. Don't claim that those of us who consider wholesale slaughter and countless sick acts to be unenlightened as ignorant people. We just aren't excusing barbarism as some sort of "mysterious wisdom" like you are willing to do.

    I guess we all have different opinions of what goes under the Enlightened column.

    You said:
    That way, they will become........Jehovah's Witnesses! Julie...surely you don't think that isolation is the best way for God to train his people.

    No, apparently biblegod thought the best way to "train" his people was to keep them persecuted and warring with their enemies. I don't think isolationism is the way to raise healthy, stable children. I think non-violence and tolerance are two key components though, two things your biblegod seems to be very strongly against.

    I pity those who try to defend the indefensible--

  • sunstarr
    No,I owe my satisfactions to myself,the hard work and effort I put into living my life.

    Yes, Tina, you do. However, you owe the strength for producing hard work to God. You owe the will for producing effort to God. You owe life and existence itself to God. Call it what you will, but it boils down to the same place.


    Try not to get so worked up...

    I apologize. I didn't mean to sound harsh. I do not believe anyone here to be ignorant in terms of intelligence. I use that word in reference to what I believe to be the truth about God. It's not that I'm irritated by the lack of acceptance for atrocious acts. My irritation comes from people always feeling the need to point the finger first at God. I personally could never blame God for these acts. I do, however, understand that there are those who do not believe in God. As I have said before, I do not condemn those people. Never could I. I agree that the bottom line is simply a difference in our beliefs. I harbor no resentment to you for your beliefs, and I would hope you share the same sentiment.

  • Tina

    No I dont. It's impossible to attribute strength and will to anything but human nature and resilience.Those traits are human, and also in the animal world. Adaptation dear,nothing more. I cannot and will not attribute these to a myth. You can bleat all you want to me. It doesn't make it so just cuz you say it is. lol Now have some tolerance for those who believe differently.Or isnt tolerance part of your christian ideology? BTW,why don't you do me afavor? Explain the love,enlightenment and righteousness in the list of scriptures I wrote in the "Bilbe advances womens rights' thread.

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Seeker
    Here is some more research for those who love to ask questions yet won't do the digging.

    As opposed to you, Rex, someone who loves to dig for research yet won't do the thinking.

  • Farkel


    Your argument boils down to this: Since God made you, you shouldn't bitch when things happen that mess up your life. Like virus', Sunstar? Explain what God made virus'? They do absolutely nothing beneficial for any organism. It is their job to invade the organism, totally destroy it and then find a new host to destroy.

    I will accept NO excusogetics about God and have written reams of stuff about why it IS inexecusable. God is far worse than any normal human father could ever be. No human father would dream of killing one of children, yet God not only dreamed of it he actually WILLED it to be done, and made "prophecies" about it being done. Then told is it was a GOOD thing. So Christians all sit around and tell us what a GOOD deed that was. I think I'm going to throw up. He recently saw to it that my own Father died after a long and painful period of suffering. Fuck your God and the horse he rode in on. I care as much about him as he cares about me: zip, zero, nada, nil, jack shit.

    You said:

    : If someone were about to attack a family member of yours, and you shouted out "I'm gonna go kick that guy's ass," would that make you a monster? Perhaps I overheard you and thought you as such for wanting to bring harm to an individual. Does that make you a monster, or does that make me too blind to see otherwise.

    I don't understand what you are saying here. If you are talking about God wanting to save a family member, you obviously haven't read much of the Bible. Read Leviticus 31 and explain to us God's justice in letting all innocent boys and women be slaughtered, but allowing little virgin girls to be saved so the Israelites could use them as sex slaves. You actually WORSHIP such a hideous monster? Pity.

    : Do I really know what's going on in your head?

    Yep. I just told you. I'm a hell of a lot more honest than God in that regard.

    : God has done things in the Bible which we cannot necessarily explain.

    That's because if those things are true, God is totally insane.

    : Do we know what's in his head, so to speak?

    I already made my argument on that matter to you. You haven't answered a word of it, either. Either God left out facts in the Bible so we couldn't understand him, or he told us everything about him in the Bible that we need to know. In the former case, God is incompetent or a master of deception. In the latter case, God is the worst monster imaginable. So, which is it, Sunstar?

    : Perhaps he's not a monster.

    Any human that did one 1/000,000,000th of the things God did would be branded the worst homocidal human that ever lived. Would God tell us to not do something that he wouldn't do? Would he? Did he tell us not to kill? Did he kill the ENTIRE PLANET, save for 8 once?

    : Perhaps some of us are too blind to see otherwise.

    Only those who defend him and his actions are blind. To facts.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • siegswife

    (((Your argument boils down to this: Since God made you, you shouldn't bitch when things happen that mess up your life.)))

    I have some questions. Do you agree with EVERY law that is currently on the books in this country? Do you agree with EVERY law that is currently enforced in EVERY country? If you don't agree with those laws, do you or would you break them? If you did break the law and got caught, should you be free from punishment? Didn't you take a chance knowing that you could be punished if caught? If you DO agree with these laws, do you also agree with the mandatory sentencing that is attached to some violations? If you do agree with all the laws and sentencing, are you saying that men, who can be corrupted are equipped to make laws and decisions about how to enforce them? If you don't agree with them, does that mean that you think there should be NO LAWS? Or do you only think that there should be laws that you agree with and understand? Would that be realistic or reasonable?

    I'm interested in knowing your thoughts on this. I'm really curious as to what or where you believe the base of morals and authority is. Or even if you think such things do or should exist.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    sunstarr doesn't need to do this:

    Sunstar? Explain what God made virus'? They do absolutely nothing beneficial for any organism. It is their job to invade the organism, totally destroy it and then find a new host to destroy.

    Just because sunstarr feels that God exists, and is just in His dealing, that doesn't mean she has to be able explain every thing he does.
    That's totally unnessasary.
    I all so beleive God to be just.
    I just feel he is so much more intelligent than me, and while I may not be able to see the reason why he did such and such, I have faith.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • Tatiana

    What is the difference between God ordering the Israelites to slaughter men, women, and babies and the Taliban (allegedly?)slamming those planes into the WTC?


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Farkel


    Thanks for asking your questions, but I must point out that they are red herrings and having nothing to do with my actual argument. I wasn't arguing about whether one should or shouldn't break God's laws. I was arguing that the God of the Bible is worse than any human who has ever lived.

    With regards to disagreeing with human laws: of COURSE I disagree with many of them. We have several ways of invalidating bad laws in our human Republic of the United States:

    1) Juries regularly refuse to convict violators of those unjust laws.
    2) We toss out our elected representatives until we get people in there who rescind those laws
    3) We all ignore the laws and the enforcement agencies finally give up on enforcing them, because to do so would put most citizens in jail
    4) We revolt and toss out the Government and start over

    With regards to God's laws that we know are clearly unjust, we have but two choices,

    1) Obey them and suffer as a result
    2) Disobey them and get slaughtered or lose any chance of an after-life existence or resurrection. Or get roasted-and-toasted forever-and-ever and ever. (It all depends upon your version of God's "Love" for those who disobey his unjust laws.)

    As I said, BibleGod sucks.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

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