God's image

by Rex B13 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • siegswife

    To understand the difference, someone would have to believe in God and that He has superior precognitive powers and that He is good. If you start from that point, you can realize that God probably knew something about those people. Perhaps He knew that they would someday fly airplanes into buildings and kill thousands of innocent people. Although I would think that back then, He knew that they would kill, pillage, and mislead the children of Abraham, a man whom He promised would be the father of the Promised Seed.

    It seems that those who continually dwell on what they perceive to be Gods murderous acts are forgetting an important point. God has been doing everything according to what He, the one who's writing/who wrote this story, has decided must be done in order to come to the Happy Ending. The Ending where EVERYONE gets a chance to live again, if they have the patience to finish the story, trusting that it WILL have a Happy Ending.
    Of course, some people would rather say that Gods laws and orders are unjust. They say that the plot is somewhat sinister and miss the whole moral of the story. These same people have no problem with the laws and orders of other MEN though. They seek to find the morality in the thoughts of men, but feel that God shouldn't deserve that same consideration. Makes sense to me...NOT! I guess a critic has to make a living somehow. ???

  • siegswife

    Farkel, thanks for your answer. I would like to point out one fallacy in your argument regarding mens laws though. In THIS country, what you said may be true. There are several other countries where this is not true. What is the answer for those people? Do you think that there is an answer? Do you think that mankind could ever come to a point where everyone is happy? I know this sounds like JW crap, but trust me, I'm in no way in agreement with their methods, I'm just asking.

  • Farkel


    In case you didn't already know, I will always address those who may disagree with me with a quid quo pro of respect. I thank you for just sticking with the issues and I will do the same.

    : I would like to point out one fallacy in your argument regarding mens laws though. In THIS country, what you said may be true.

    It wasn't a logical fallacy, because that WAS my argument: how we deal with unjust matters in my Country!

    : There are several other countries where this is not true. What is the answer for those people?

    Become a Republic and pay the price for doing, just as our forefathers in America did. Religion never solved any problems. On the contrary it has held back Civilizations for Centuries. Secular humanists and deists like Jefferson, Franklin and Paine accomplished a thousand-fold more in their lifetimes than all the religionists and their leaders of their day.

    : Do you think that there is an answer?

    Yes. I just gave it.

    : Do you think that mankind could ever come to a point where everyone is happy?

    Doubtful. It would take a whole lot of drugs for that to happen, but that is a double-edged sword! Seriously, if everyone was totally happy all the time, happiness would become meaningless. There would be no frame of reference by which to compare it. It's a cosmic question that I don't think about. Only dreamers like dumb-dubs think about it, and waste their entire lives thinking about it. And not actually living in the meantime.

    : I know this sounds like JW crap, but trust me, I'm in no way in agreement with their methods, I'm just asking.

    Well, it is the kind of JW crap I was raised to believe, but my religious leaders lied to me.

    I kinda like the line from the Shawshank Redemption which says,

    "Either get busy living or get busy dying."

    We all will die. Fact. It's how we live that matters, and some people go through life not really living at all. Dubs are amongst them. That is sad.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • sunstarr
    Now have some tolerance for those who believe differently.Or isnt tolerance part of your christian ideology?

    Tina: I have no problems with tolerance of others' beliefs. If you want to believe there is no God, that's fine by me. Go ahead. Here's what I have no tolerance for:

    Farkel: Fuck your God and the horse he rode in on.

    Careful. You sure you want to get involved in a pissing contest with ANY god? Sorry, buddy...you will lose.


    BTW,why don't you do me afavor? Explain the love,enlightenment and righteousness in the list of scriptures I wrote in the "Bilbe advances womens rights' thread.

    Hey, Farkel! Why don't you tell Tina to "stick with the issues?" Thanks, guy.

    Like virus', Sunstar? Explain what God made virus'?

    DW hit the nail right on the head. I have no need for understanding why viruses exist. If God made them for some purpose, then I don't necessarily see it. Does that make it a futile creation? Who am I to say? I need not delve into dissecting things that have absolutely no use in my life. I neither plan to be a scientist nor a philosopher. So, if you want to piddle around trying to figure that one out, be my guest. I simply don't care enough to hunt for an answer.

    Thanks DW! You're all over that.

    God is far worse than any normal human father could ever be. No human father would dream of killing one of children, yet God not only dreamed of it he actually WILLED it to be done, and made "prophecies" about it being done. Then told is it was a GOOD thing. So Christians all sit around and tell us what a GOOD deed that was.

    Again, I'll thank you not to sit in judgment of my God until you become an equal with him. But thanks for trying. It's good to have goals.

    My point of the illustration of overhearing your statement to attack a threat to your family was simply this: Perspective. My perspective may have been that you are a monster for wanting to hurt someone. Your perspective is that you have a desire to protect your family. Two different views. Is mine right just because that's all I see? Nope. So, unless you've become some "New Governing Body" through which God is working, you hold no position to lecture on God's perspective.

    Either God left out facts in the Bible so we couldn't understand him, or he told us everything about him in the Bible that we need to know. In the former case, God is incompetent or a master of deception. In the latter case, God is the worst monster imaginable. So, which is it, Sunstar?

    If you plant a tree, it will grow. You have, in essence, made a tree. Right? Ok. Does it share characteristics with you? Both of you have cells, made of living material. You are both composed of particles. Both of you need substance to feed on to live, and you both produce waste. So, does the tree understand your thoughts? The answer is this: We cannot understand God. It is not incompetence on his part just as it is not your fault that the tree can't understand you. He hasn't tried to deceive mankind by withholding his thoughts. We merely could never process them.

  • tdogg


    A little off the subject, but you qouted Lev 21:17-23 earlier. I was wondering if anyone ever remembers going over that bible reading during the theocratic ministry school. Could you imagine some young rank and file doing the 5 min talk on that?

  • Tatiana
    If you plant a tree, it will grow. You have, in essence, made a tree. Right? Ok. Does it share characteristics with you? Both of you have cells, made of living material.

    I plant a tree....I watch it grow....I water it....fertilize it....love it....

    Oops, it doesn't grow as straight as I'd like...it's not doing what I say....it doesn't understand my thoughts....I kill it!


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Abaddon

    I notice that at least two people are using something like this as a signature:

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?

    When in hell was that a decent reasoned argument? I think being able to PROVE god exists would come before smart comments based upon the assumption of existence.

    For all the argumentation, the theists have yet to prove god exists. So effectively the above quotation says ‘Our theoretical god must be way smarter than us, so let’s just do what he says and forget about thinking for ourselves’.

    Yes indeed, god is a theory.

    Quite a cool one; if you don’t understand something (lightning, death, etc.), then the gods provide an ‘explanation’ for it; lightning is gods fighting, death is not really death, etc.

    But it is still a theory. Whenever theists discuss evolution they tend to throw the word ‘theory’ around like it is the ultimate rejoinder. But do they honestly pause and consider that the theory of god is less well supported (as far as actual material evidence goes) than the theory of evolution?

    But what about the good old common sense aspect? The creator of the Universe first of all doesn’t provide incontrovertible evidence of its existence. Yeah, I know the arguments theists come up with to explain this, but they are rubbish. Especially the one about god not proving he exists so we can use faith and exercise freewill. Then, as if ‘hiding’ his existence isn’t enough, we are told effectively ‘father knows best’. Yes indeed, god needn’t explain itself and can do anything it likes, and all you have to do to justify it is say ‘he’s bigger and cleverer than us’.

    A good teacher can help students come to an understanding. Ever been to a physics class where the lecturer sits on the table and says “This shit is WAY too complicated for you guys, m’kay? Basically the sun is big hot fire in sky makes flowers grow, m’kay?” A good parent doesn’t make rules without trying to provide some justification for them, so as to retain respect. A bad parent says “Don’t ask why, just do”.

    A bad teacher blames their students. A bad parent blames their children.

    So god is a bad parent and a poor teacher. Add that to the lack of evidence, and, well, you can see why I assert that god is an unproved theory with little evidence and little in the way of logical coherence.

    A bit like Santa Claus; no evidence other than the circumstantial stuff (presents), and unauthenticated sightings (grottos), and the math of him delivering all those presents in the time period allowed indicates he would vaporize from atmospheric friction.

    Why should I be interested in the alien conspiracy theories of a UFOlogist when they can’t even prove ONE thing? Why should I be interested in the god theories of a theist when they can’t prove ONE thing?

    Line your pretty arguments up in a row, they don’t mean a thing unless you can prove god exists.

    What? Oh, you mean you can’t? And no one has? What, not ever? Okay. Hold on to those beliefs all you like, I’m glad they give your life some meaning. But they’re not for me.

    Of course, this argument can be reversed, along the lines of ‘you can’t prove that god doesn’t exist/that evolution is right’. But as there is more evidence for the lack of god (from Hyena clitorises onwards) than for god, I don’t see what profit there is in it.

    Keep on rocking in the free world...

  • Tina

    hmm I responded to your post sunstar,think it flew off into cyberspace somewhere.
    Please dont whine to Farkel. What I asked you IS on topic. You present assertions about your god and I asked for explanations on scriptures that are suposedly inspired by him. Doesn't you bible tell you to make 'a defense of your faith'? What you're going to learn on discussion boards here is that you will be asked to back up assertions with evidence ,otherwise it's just blather.
    I say the moon is made of rainbow cheese. It is because I say so! Ridiculous? yes! That's what your posts sound like.
    And it IS incumbant upon you to back up what you say.To support your assertions. Other wise no thinking person is going to take your posts seriously. One who makes the claim is obligated to support it with evidence.that's how argumenation works.Tina

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Julie


    Thank you for your reply, yes, I agree that tolerance is important and I subscribe to it myself. I have no problem with people who believe in biblegod, that's yours, or anyone's perogative. I do have a problem with anyone who makes derogatory remarks toward those who do not believe as they do, and I don't necessarily refer to you here. Do know however that if you come onto a discussion board and make assertions you will likely be called to explain/back them up. All here are not likely to take your view as Unassailable Truth as they/we have learned enough lessons on that account.


    You tried to use that "laws" analogy with me but you were a bit less coherent last time I saw this argument from you (you remember, where you were telling me about your friend putting a gun to her kid's head and explaining what a "good mother" she was?). I do not agree with all the laws here or abroad. Many laws are baseless and/or founded on fear. While here in America our justice system has plenty of imperfections it's the picture of enlightenment compared to some laws in the bible. Take for instance the poor fellow who picked up sticks on Sunday, he will pay the same penalty as the fellow who killed his father on Monday (death, btw). This is ridiculous and absurd. There are countless laws like this throughout the bible. I am sorry if you have a problem with this but in my view, the person/being responsible for those laughable laws in the bible is about as unenlightened as you can get. Comparatively speaking America must be heaven compared to wherever such a lunatic would be in charge (and it sounds rather Taliban-ish so we could be talking Afghanistan).

    The laws analogy is a poor one for building your case, I would latch onto another if I were you.


  • siegswife

    Farkel...I realized that you had said that in your reply after I replied...lips (or fingers) moving ahead of the brain I'm afraid.

    Julie...What case do you think I'm trying to build? It really doesn't matter to me what you believe, I'm just trying to figure it out. I know that some of you are quite convinced that the Bible is a work of fiction...fine, believe it if you will. I'm just curious what you think the alternative is. What do you think is the source of morality and judgement? What do you think is the answer for mankind if God doesn't exist? It seems to me that if God doesn't exist, then men are the source of their own morality and judgement. Who decides whose morality is superior? Does your belief, or lack of belief mean that someone who doesn't subscribe to the same morals as anyone else is WRONG? And if they're wrong, what is the source of the definition of right and wrong? If no one believed in God, wouldn't they then be free to do whateverthehell they deemed to be right? If society is what makes these determinations, how does one come to the conclusion that society is right? Maybe they're just on an ego trip.

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